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About nursing care assistance

Last updated on September 25, 2024.

What is nursing care assistance?

Long-term care assistance under the Public Assistance Act was newly established in 2000 with the introduction of the Long-Term Care Insurance System to ensure the minimum level of life for nursing care services covered by The Long-term Care Insurance. (Article 11, Paragraph 1, Item 5 of the Act)

News about care assistance

Persons eligible for nursing care assistance

It is said that "applicable to those who need care and those who need support who cannot maintain a minimum level of life due to poverty" (Article 15-2 of the Act), and specifically, shown in the table below Person becomes target of care assistance.

Persons eligible for nursing care assistance
social security recipients aged 65 and overThe first insured person in The Long-term Care Insurance
social security recipients aged between 40 and under 65Medical insurance subscribersThe second insured person of The Long-term Care Insurance
Non-members of medical insurancePersons other than the insured

Percentage of expenses for nursing care assistance and The Long-term Care Insurance benefits

Percentage of cost of nursing care assistance and nursing care benefits
CategoryPercentage of cost burden
No. 1 and No. 2 insured persons in The Long-term Care InsuranceThe Long-term Care Insurance benefit 90%Nursing care assistance 10%
Persons other than the insuredNursing care assistance 100%

Method of nursing care assistance

Nursing care assistance is provided based on applications from recipients of social security. If it is deemed necessary to provide nursing care services, you will receive nursing care services from a nursing care institution designated by the Public Assistance Act, but as for the method of providing nursing care services, in principle, in-kind benefits It is said to be done by (Article 54-2 of the Act, Article 34-2 of the Act)
Specifically, instead of collecting user-paid fees from social security recipients, the designated nursing care institution will request the Health and Welfare Center to issue nursing care tickets, and based on the information on the nursing care ticket, the National Health Insurance Federation (National Federation of National Health Insurance Associations) will request nursing care assistance expenses.

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