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Measures to apply to the boundary layer

Last updated on September 26, 2024.

Measures to apply to the boundary layer

 social security will be required to pay the user's burden as stipulated in each applicable law, but if social security is no longer needed, such as reducing the user's burden, it will be necessary to reduce the burden by using a "Certificate of Applicable Boundary Layer".
 The “Boundary Layer Applicable Certificate” will be issued by each Health and Welfare Center Life Support Division. Based on the application of the social security, the Life Support Division will issue a “Boundary Layer Certificate” if it becomes clear that the social security is applicable to the boundary layer.
 "Boundary layer applicable measures" are performed by each insurer based on each applicable law. If you receive a “Certificate of Applicable Boundary Layer”, the applicant will consult at each window and receive a new burden limit certificate.

Applicable Laws

・Nursing Care Insurance Law
・National Health Insurance Law
・employee health insurance Law
・Act on Securing Medical Care for the Elderly
・Act on Medical Care for Patients in incurable disease
・Child Welfare Law
・Acts for Comprehensive Support of Daily and Social Life of Disabled Persons

Consultation and contact information

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department Life Support Division

Phone: 045-671-4088

Phone: 045-671-4088

Fax: 045-664-3031

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 312-366-575


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