- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Health, medical care, welfare
- Welfare, care
- Social welfare corporation
- Development of private welfare facilities
The text is from here.
Development of private welfare facilities
Last updated on April 1, 2023.
Design examination and construction inspection for facility maintenance (construction, etc.)
When social welfare corporations receive subsidies from Yokohama City and maintain social welfare facilities, etc., they carry out design examination, construction inspection, etc.
In addition, regulations have been established for contract procedures related to facility maintenance.
Outlines and guides for facility maintenance (construction, etc.)
- Audit implementation summary (PDF: 239KB) pertaining to the proper execution of subsidies such as private social welfare facilities and other facility construction costs
- Audit implementation guidelines pertaining to the proper execution of subsidies such as private social welfare facilities and other facility construction costs (PDF: 104KB)
- Guide for facility maintenance audits (PDF: 782KB)
- Contract Guidance Guidelines pertaining to maintenance such as private social welfare facilities construction (PDF: 261KB)
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Inquiries to this page
In charge of facility maintenance audit, Health and Social Welfare Bureau General Affairs Department Audit Division
Phone: 045-671-4179
Phone: 045-671-4179
Fax: 045-662-1658
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 375-038-830