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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Health, medical care, welfare
  3. Welfare, care
  4. Social welfare corporation
  5. Yokohama City Social Welfare Corporation Facility Examination Committee

Last updated on March 11, 2025.

The text is from here.

Yokohama City Social Welfare Corporation Facility Examination Committee


Authorization of social welfare corporations, social welfare facilities (excluding child welfare facilities) Office work related to examination about the selection of recipients of subsidies pertaining to the construction of establishments that provide small-scale multifunctional home care prescribed in the Nursing Care Insurance Law and other facilities specified by the mayor.

Base for installation

It is affiliated organization of the mayor to establish based on Yokohama-shi affiliated organization setting regulations (the Yokohama-shi regulations 49th in December, 2011).

Operational outlines, etc.

Committee member list

List of Yokohama-shi social welfare corporation facility examination committee members
Affiliation, title, etc. Name (title omitted)
Visiting Researcher, Institute for Asian International Social Welfare, Shukutoku University Yuko Matsuzono

Former Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokai University
Representative Director of the Association for Mental Support for Children and Seniors, a non-profit organization

Koichi Yaguchi
Certified Public Accountant (a member of the Kanagawa Prefectural Association of Certified Public Accountants) Hitoko Kobayashi
Lawyer (Kanagawa Bar Association) Love 1, Aoki
Director of the Yokohama Citizens' Committee Children's Committee Council Keiko Honda
Deputy Secretary of the Association for the Protection of Children with Disabilities in Yokohama City Yasushi Kumasaka

Scheduled to be held

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