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Training guidance

Last updated on March 3, 2025.

The Institute of Health provides training guidance on health and hygiene to protect the health of citizens and lead a safe and secure life.


  • Training on the use of data such as hygiene statistics for Health and Welfare Center staff and others
  • Training on infectious disease outbreak trends for Health and Welfare Center staff, etc.
  • Hygiene observer training for staff newly appointed as hygiene observers due to new recruitment or transfer
  • Inspection technology training for community health workers, students studying public health, overseas trainees, staff from other local governments and private business establishments, etc.

Challenge-based Training

In order to solve the issues faced by market food hygiene laboratory staff and community health staff, the Institute of Health provides training guidance utilizing its expertise.

Dispatch of instructors

As part of the training guidance, which is a function of the Institute of Health, it is aimed at citizens such as chairpersons of various academic conferences and editorial committee members of academic magazines, workshops for nursing schools, workshops for staff of other local governments, and consumer life promotion staff. Staff are dispatched as lecturers for workshops.

Hygiene Technology Workshop

In order to provide the latest information, knowledge and skills related to public health to local health staff such as Medical Care Bureau staff and Health and Welfare Center staff in each ward, we invite external experts as lecturers to give lectures on topics of today's topic every year.

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Medical Care Bureau Institute of Hygiene Management and Planning

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