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Collection of Statistical Links

Last updated on November 21, 2024.

Introducing the WEB page that provides statistical data from Yokohama City and the whole country.

  • Population by age (based on estimated population)
    The estimated population is based on the population by age in the most recent census, taking into account child birth, death, transfer, etc. Estimated population based on the results of the census is tabulated by age. In addition to tabulation by age and 5-year-old class, tabulation by three categories: under 15 years old (young population), 15-64 years old (working-age population), 65 years old or older (elderly population), average age, etc. I am. It is updated once a year according to the total as of January 1 of each year.
  • Demographic Statistics of Yokohama City and each ward
    Demographic statistics information published in "Yokohama City Health Statistics Annual Report (formerly Yokohama City Hygiene Annual Report Statistics and Documents)" is processed by the Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Information Division of Yokohama City Inst. of Health. You can obtain statistical information about child birth, death, marriage, etc.
  • Statistical information portal (window for statistical information in Yokohama City)
    It is a site that publishes various statistical information of Yokohama City. You can search and obtain by field, keyword, distinction, and town.
  • List of hospitals, general clinics and dental clinics in Yokohama
    This is a list of medical institutions in Yokohama City.
  • Statistical data portal site (outside site) (General contact for government statistics)
    You can search for statistical information under the jurisdiction of each ministry of the country.
  • Statistics Survey Results of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (external site) (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)
    You can obtain information on major statistical surveys under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, such as demographic statistics, life tables, basic surveys on people's lives, and patient surveys.
  • Statistics Bureau, Policy Supervisor, Statistics Training Center (outside site) (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website)
    You can get information on major statistical surveys under the jurisdiction of the Statistics Bureau, such as census and labor force surveys. In addition, commentary articles on Japan's statistical system and how to use statistical results are also posted.
  • National Institute of Population and Social Security Research website (outside site)
    You can get information such as estimated future population and social security statistics calculated by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.
  • Page of index statistics of welfare (outside site)
    You can get the data of "Statistics Page / Monthly" published in the latest issue of the monthly magazine "Welfare Indicators", such as the estimated population, major cause of death statistics, and the number of patients at hospitals by prefecture.

Inquiries to this page

Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Information Division, Medical Care Bureau Institute of Health

Phone: 045-370-9237

Phone: 045-370-9237

Fax: 045-370-8462

E-Mail address [email protected]

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