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RS virus infection
Last updated on July 29, 2021.
Temporary information on Yokohama infectious diseases
Information on RS virus infection
- Outbreak status of respiratory syncytial virus infection (July 29, 2021) (PDF: 741KB) (published on R03.7.29)
- Outbreak status of RS virus infection (July 15, 2021) (PDF: 599KB) (Published in R03.7.15)
- Outbreak status of respiratory syncytial virus infection (July 8, 2021) (PDF: 795KB) (R03.7.8)
- Outbreak status of respiratory syncytial virus infection (July 1, 2021) (PDF: 731KB) (R03.7.1)
- Outbreak status of respiratory syncytial virus infection (June 24, 2021) (PDF: 466KB) (Published in R03.6.24)
- Outbreak status of RS virus infection (August 10, 2017) (PDF: 427KB) (published on H29.8.10)
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