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  6. Yokohama City Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program

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Yokohama City Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program

Last updated on December 11, 2024.

◇What is the Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program?

History of Creation

The number of elderly people in Japan announced in September 2020 was 36.17 million, a record high, and the aging rate was 28.7%, a record high. The number of elderly people in Yokohama, which has a large population, is also increasing, and the rate of increase in the elderly population is expected to be significantly higher than in the whole country. From this, it is predicted that the demand for home-visit nursing, which supports the comprehensive community care system in Yokohama City, will rapidly expand, and training and securing human resources for visiting nurses has become an urgent issue. However, it is difficult to promote the training of visiting nurses only at home-visit nursing stations with many small-scale management, and it is necessary to work on the entire region, including hospitals and educational institutions.
Against this background, the “Yokohama City New Graduate Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program Development Study Group” was launched as a business of Yokohama City in FY2017, and the name was changed to the “Yokohama City Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program Development Study Group” and the study was conducted over four years.
In this program, the nursing practice ability evaluation index (Career Development Program) is set in five stages as a common visit nurse image that Yokohama City aims for, and achievement targets are set for the five abilities at each stage.
We hope that visiting nurses will use this career ladder to clarify their challenges and goals.

Yokohama City Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program Awareness Video

In order to encourage visiting nurses to deepen their understanding of this program, we have created a "Yokohama City Visiting Nurse Human Resource Development Program Awareness Video" in collaboration with the Yokohama Home Nursing Council. . Please refer to it when using the program.
[Video created in FY2022]

[Video created in FY2021]

Features of the Human Resource Development Program for Visiting Nurses in Yokohama City

◎"5 evaluation criteria for newly appointed / new graduates, standing alone, one-person, middle-level, and master" You can select a stage according to your individual abilities.
◎"Check table can be selected from two types: detailed version and simplified version" can be used flexibly for each home-visit nursing establishment.

◇How to use it

1 At the bottom ◇Check the download data “How to Use Visit Nurse Human Resource Development Program” <Booklets 6 and 7 pages>.
2 ◇Download each document of the "Visit Nurse Human Resource Development Program" from the download data.
3 In accordance with the procedure, the person, the breeder, and the manager will share the process of growing together, and the person will be aware of the current situation and will be an opportunity to learn about the nursing skills necessary for growth.
4 If there is something you want to supplement with nursing skills, etc., you can use the learning support system to participate in training at visiting nurse learning support cooperating hospitals.

About training at visiting nurse learning support cooperation hospital

Visiting nurses at city offices can take various trainings conducted by visiting nurse learning support cooperation hospitals.
Please check the training plan of each hospital on the following site and apply from the application form on the site.
After application, the Yokohama Home Nursing Council will inform you of the possibility of attending the course.

※Please contact the Yokohama Home Nursing Council for consultation on using this program other than accepting training.

<Consultation on Training Application and Program Utilization>
Yokohama Home Nursing Council
Telephone 080-6680-1133 Email: [email protected]

※Visiting nurse learning support hospitals are five hospitals: Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital, Yokohama City Apolexy and Spinal Nerves Center, Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital, Yokohama City University Hospital and Yokohama City University Medical Center.

◇Download data

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