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  6. [Public Opinion] Partial revision of the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law

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[Public Opinion] Partial revision of the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

Overview of Public Opinion Projects
Project number 471
Project name Partial revision of the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law
Title of rules, etc. to be determined

Detailed Regulations for Health Promotion Act

Laws and Ordinances Health Promotion Act, Ordinance on Nutrition Management of Small-scale Lunch Facilities in Yokohama City

With the establishment of a new nursing care clinic based on the Nursing Care Insurance Law, a nursing care clinic has been added to the types of specific catering facilities prescribed in Article 20, Paragraph 1 of the Health Promotion Law. Along with this, it became necessary to add a "nursing care clinic" as a type of facility subject to the submission of a specific lunch facility report, so we will revise some of the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law.
In addition, some forms stipulated in the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law will be separately stipulated in the outline so that they can respond flexibly to changes in the style, and some of the detailed regulations such as the Health Promotion Law will be revised.

Date of announcement of the proposal September 24, 2021
Opinion submission period From September 24, 2021 to October 25, 2021
If the opinion submission period is less than 30 days, the reason

Guidelines for Public Opinion
(How to submit opinions, where to submit)

Opinion open call for participants (PDF: 202KB)
Opinion submission form (word: 18KB)

Proposal and related materials

Outline of the revision (PDF: 100KB)
New and old comparison table (PDF: 1,365KB)
Detailed rules for Health Promotion Act, etc. (current) (outside site)

How to obtain materials

Information Center (3rd floor of the City Hall), Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Services Division (15th floor of the City Hall), each ward office Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section, and each ward office Health and Welfare Division.
Download from Yokohama City homepage

Section name, etc. (reference) Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Services Division
Phone: 045-671-2454
FAX: 045-663-4469

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Inquiries to this page

Health Promotion Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-2454

Phone: 045-671-2454

Fax: 045-663-4469

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 789-795-102


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