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  6. Nutrition management at specified catering facilities and catering facilities

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Nutrition management at specified catering facilities and catering facilities

Last updated on January 28, 2025.

1 What is a catering facility?

Lunch facilities are facilities that continuously supply meals to a specific and large number of people. Based on the Health Promotion Law and the Yokohama City Ordinance, Yokohama City categorizes as follows according to the number of meals supplied. I am.

Classification of catering facilities

●Specific catering facilities
Facilities that supply more than 100 meals at a time or more than 250 meals a day (Health Promotion Law)
●Small-scale lunch facilities
Facilities that supply more than 50 meals at a time or more than 100 meals a day (Yokohama City Ordinance)
●Other catering facilities
Lunch facilities with less than 50 meals at a time and less than 100 meals a day

2 Duty of notification

Installers of specific catering facilities and small-scale catering facilities must submit the registration form as determined by the Health Promotion Act and the Yokohama City Ordinance. Other catering facilities are not required to report, report, etc., but each ward Health and Welfare Division may grasp the status of changes in the number of meals. If you have any questions, please contact Health Promotion Section Health and Welfare Division.
※ In addition, reports may be required due to the Food Sanitation Law or laws pertaining to the types of facilities, so please contact the relevant departments and related organizations.
※ The person obliged to submit the notification will be the installer (the facility side) (Please note that it is not a school lunch contractor).

Various reports

・“school lunch Start registration form (No. 1 style)”: When school lunch, which started or stopped school lunch, was resumed.
  The school lunch notification includes (1) a copy of the license of all registered dietitians and dietitians, and (2) an organizational chart showing the position of the department in charge of school lunch.
  You will need to submit it.
・“school lunch Change registration form (No. 2 Form)”: When there is a change in the notification items
  You will need to submit a copy of your license only if you change your registered dietitian or dietitian in the school lunch notification.
・“school lunch Abolition (paused) registration form (No. 3 style)”: When school lunch was suspended (approximately three months or more) or abolished

How to apply

There are two types of application methods.
1 Window application, mail application
2 Electronic Application
For more information, please refer to the following link.

1 Window application and mail application Please bring or mail to the Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section window located in the district where the catering facility is located.

※ Please download the notification form from the link below.
    school lunch Started registration form (PDF: 69KB)
    school lunch Change registration form (PDF: 51KB)
    school lunch suspension and abolition registration form (PDF: 49KB)  

List of Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section
Ward name (in alphabetical order) Address:TELFAX number
Aoba Ward〒225-0024 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku045-978-2441045-978-2419
Asahi Ward〒241-0022 1-4-12, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku045-954-6148045-953-7713
Izumi Ward〒245-0024 5-1-1, Izumichuokita, Izumi-ku045-800-2445045-800-2516
Isogo Ward〒235-0016 3-5-1, Isogo, Isogo-ku045-750-2446045-750-2547
Kanagawa Ward〒221-0824 3-8, Hirodaiotamachi, Kanagawa-ku045-411-7138045-316-7877
Kanazawa Ward〒236-0021 2-9-1, Deiki, Kanazawa-ku045-788-7840045-784-4600
Konan Ward〒233-0003 4-2-10, Kounan, Kounan-ku045-847-8438045-846-5981
Kohoku Ward〒222-0032 26-1, Mamedocho, Kouhoku-ku045-540-2362045-540-2368
Sakae Ward〒247-0005 303-19, Katsuracho, Sakae-ku045-894-6964045-895-1759
Seya Ward〒246-0021 190, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku045-367-5746045-365-5718
Tsuzuki Ward  〒224-0032 32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku045-948-2350045-948-2354
Tsurumi Ward〒230-0051 3-20-1, Tsurumichuo, Tsurumi-ku045-510-1827045-510-1792
Totsuka Ward〒244-0003 16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku045-866-8428045-865-3963
Naka Ward〒231-0021 35, Nihonodori, Naka-ku045-224-8332045-224-8157
Nishi Ward〒220-0051 1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku045-320-8439045-324-3703
Hodogaya Ward〒240-0001 2-9, Kawabecho, Hodogaya-ku045-334-6346045-333-6309
Midori Ward〒226-0013 118, Terayamacho, Midori-ku045-930-2359045-930-2355
Minami Ward〒232-0024 2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku045-341-1186045-341-1189

2 Electronic Application Please apply electronically from the application of registration form in (1) to (3) below.

Please prepare the attached file in advance and then apply electronically.

school lunch Start registration form, change registration form, if you have multiple attached documentss, please attach them together in one file.

(1) Application for registration form starting school lunch

From here, please apply to the ward where the lunch facility is located.

Aoba Ward (outside site)       Asahi Ward (outside site)        Izumi Ward (outside site)        Isogo Ward (outside site)
Kanagawa Ward (outside site)      Kanazawa Ward (outside site)       Konan Ward (outside site)       Kohoku Ward (outside site)
Sakae Ward (outside site)        Seya Ward (outside site)       Tsuzuki Ward   (outside site)       Tsurumi Ward (outside site)
Totsuka Ward (outside site)       Naka Ward (outside site)        Nishi Ward (outside site)      Hodogaya Ward (outside site)
Midori Ward (outside site)        Minami Ward (outside site)

(2) Application for school lunch Change registration form

From here, please apply to the ward where the lunch facility is located.

Aoba Ward (outside site)       Asahi Ward (outside site)        Izumi Ward (outside site)        Isogo Ward (outside site)
Kanagawa Ward (outside site)      Kanazawa Ward (outside site)       Konan Ward (outside site)       Kohoku Ward (outside site)
Sakae Ward (outside site)        Seya Ward (outside site)       Tsuzuki Ward   (outside site)       Tsurumi Ward (outside site)
Totsuka Ward (outside site)       Naka Ward (outside site)        Nishi Ward (outside site)      Hodogaya Ward (outside site)
Midori Ward (outside site)        Minami Ward (outside site)

(3) Application for registration form suspension or abolition of school lunch

From here, please apply to the ward where the lunch facility is located.

Aoba Ward (outside site)       Asahi Ward (outside site)        Izumi Ward (outside site)        Isogo Ward (outside site)
Kanagawa Ward (outside site)      Kanazawa Ward (outside site)       Konan Ward (outside site)       Kohoku Ward (outside site)
Sakae Ward (outside site)        Seya Ward (outside site)       Tsuzuki Ward   (outside site)       Tsurumi Ward (outside site)
Totsuka Ward (outside site)       Naka Ward (outside site)        Nishi Ward (outside site)      Hodogaya Ward (outside site)
Midori Ward (outside site)        Minami Ward (outside site)

3 Submission of Nutrition Management Reports, etc.

In accordance with the Health Promotion Act, the City of Yokohama requires the submission of a Nutrition Management Report on the school lunch, which was conducted in June every year, to monitor the status of school lunch's operation and nutrition management for specified catering facilities and small-scale catering facilities. In addition, style of report varies according to facility type. Report forms are sent to each facility from Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section each district every year.
The style can be downloaded from (1) to (5) below.
(Application by electronic application is not possible.)
(1)Lunch facility nutrition management report (offices, dormitories, etc.) (Excel: 126KB)
(2)Lunch facility nutrition management report (social welfare and long-term care insurance facility) (Excel: 127KB)
(3)Lunch facility nutrition management report (hospital) (Excel: 126KB)
(4)Lunch facility nutrition management report (child welfare facilities, etc.) (Excel: 124KB)
(5)Specific catering facility report (Excel: 17KB) ※The “Specific Lunch Facility Report” is sent only around November every year.

4 Guidance of lunch facilities by nutrition instructors

Under the Health Promotion Act, Health and Welfare Division employees of each ward, who are qualified as doctors or dietitians, are appointed by the Mayor of Yokohama to conduct field surveys, guidance and workshops.

On-site surveys and guidance

Nutrition instructors go to the facility to investigate whether appropriate nutrition management is ensured, and provide guidance as necessary.


In Yokohama City, we conduct training sessions for dietitians, dietitians, managers, etc. of catering facilities to provide the latest nutrition information and exchange information. Information on the training is sent to each facility from Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section.

"Guide to Nutrition Management for Lunch Facilities 2022 Revised Edition"

It provides guidance for the installers, managers, dietitians, nutritionists, and other stakeholders of the catering facilities to understand the role of school lunch and to smoothly implement school lunch management, including nutrition management.

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Inquiries to this page

Health Promotion Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-2454

Phone: 045-671-2454

Fax: 045-663-4469

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 303-224-507


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