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Information on each section window

Last updated on March 18, 2025.


Kohoku Ward General Government Building (floor guide of ward office)

Related facilities in the surrounding area

General Affairs Department

General Affairs Division (statistics, elections, disaster countermeasures, etc.)


In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 43 on the 4th floor Statistics and Elections Section Various statistical surveys (national census, etc.)
Various elections (absentee voting, application at the time of departure of overseas electoral list, etc.)
Ward Election Administration Committee
TEL: 045-540-2213
Fax: 045-540-2209
No. 44 on the fourth floor General Affairs Section

Disaster prevention related
Temporary car operation permit (temporary number)
Certificates (proof of change of land name, etc.)
Citizen activity insurance (volunteer insurance)
General affairs of the ward office

TEL: 045-540-2206・045-540-2207
Fax: 045-540-2209
Budget Adjustment Section Government building management TEL: 045-540-2208
Fax: 045-540-2209

Ward Administration Promotion Division (municipal administration, ward administration, legal consultation, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 1 on the first floor Public Relations Section

Public information Yokohama Kohoku Ward version
Acceptance of various consultations (legal, judicial scriveners, etc.)
Requests for municipal administration, acceptance of information disclosure
Ward office window guidance

TEL: 045-540-2221
Fax: 045-540-2227
No. 42 on the fourth floor Planning and Adjustment Section Planning and coordination of major businesses in the ward
Consultation corner for making rules in town
Thing about town development
TEL: 045-540-2229
Fax: 045-540-2209

Regional Promotion Division (Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Associations, local activities, etc.)


In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 45 on the fourth floor Lifelong Learning Support Section

Art and Culture
Sports promotion
Youth development
Promotion of reading activities

TEL: 045-540-2238
Fax: 045-540-2245
Ward Facilities Subdivision Management and operation of facilities for inhabitants of a ward (excluding parks) TEL: 045-540-2242
Fax: 045-540-2245
No. 46 on the 4th floor Regional Activies Section

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
Traffic safety
anti-crime program Security Lights
Abandoned bicycles
Consumer life
Sightseeing, festival, Kanbaikai

TEL: 045-540-2234
Fax: 045-540-2245
Planning and Adjustment Section Planning and coordination of collaboration promotion TEL: 045-540-2247
Fax: 045-540-2245
No. 47 on the fourth floor Resources Reuse Promotion

Promotion of reduction and recycling of waste
Promotion of beautification of the city

TEL: 045-540-2244
Fax: 045-540-2245
No. 48 on the 4th floor Inhabitant of a ward activity support center

Provision of social activities and lifelong learning information, learning consultation, lending of learning equipment
Providing a place for exchange of learning groups
Group and Group Guide

TEL: 045-540-2246
Fax: 045-540-2245

Family Registry Division (family register, resident certificate, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 2 on the first floor

Family Registry Division Certification

A copy of resident certificate
pension Proof of Status
Seal Registration Certificate
family register Certificate of Personal Matters (Extract of Family Register)
Copy of family register's tag


No. 21 on the second floor Registration Section

Notification of change of residents, such as moving in and out
Seal registration
My Number (Personal Number) Card
Basic Resident Register card
Public Personal Authentication

TEL: 045-540-2254
Fax: 045-540-2260
No. 22 on the second floor

Enrollment and transfer to elementary and junior high schools
House indication
My number card grant window

TEL: 045-540-2254
Fax: 045-540-2260
No. 23 on the second floor My number card grant window TEL: 045-540-2255
Fax: 045-540-2260
No. 24 on the second floor Family Registry Section

Notification of family register
Issuance of various certificates such as certificates of all family register and personal matters (certificate of family register)

TEL: 045-540-2250
Fax: 045-540-2260

Tax Division (Taxation of municipal tax and property tax, payment of city tax, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 30 on the third floor City tax certification, etc.

Issuance of tax (non-taxable) proof, tax payment proof, evaluation proof, etc.
Issuance of residential house certification (used house)
Registration and scrapping of motorbikes, etc.

No. 31 on the third floor City Tax Section Thing about taxation of personal municipal tax, prefectural tax

TEL: 045-540-2264~2268
Fax: 045-540-2288

No. 32 on the third floor light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) Taxation and consultation of light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) TEL: 045-540-2271・045-540-2272
Fax: 045-540-2288
No. 33 on the third floor Tax Receipt Section

Payment and consultation of city tax
Reissue of payment slips
Payment and consultation of delinquent city taxes
Foreclosure and public auction

TEL: 045-540-2291~2293
Fax: 045-540-2295

No. 34 on the third floor In charge of house Evaluation and taxation of property tax and city planning tax (house) TEL: 045-540-2281
Fax: 045-540-2288
No. 35 on the third floor Land Section Evaluation and taxation of property tax and city planning tax (land) TEL: 045-540-2277
Fax: 045-540-2288

Ward's Treasurer's Office (payment of city public money, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 28 on the second floor Accounting Section

Payment procedure of public money of city
Exchange of city income certificate stamp

TEL: 045-540-2311・045-540-2312
Fax: 045-540-2209

Health and Welfare Center

Health and Welfare Division (Committee and Children's Committee, Community Welfare and Health Plan, Cancer Health Examination, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 36 on the third floor Administration Planning Section

Consumer Affairs Committee and Children's Committee
Payment of small disaster relief money for survivors

TEL: 045-540-2338・045-540-2339
Fax: 045-540-2368
In charge of business planning

Planning and coordination of projects related to welfare and health
Community Welfare and Health Plan

TEL: 045-540-2360
Fax: 045-540-2368

No. 37 on the third floor

Health Promotion Section

Cancer screening
Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Control
lifestyle-related diseases prevention
Nutrition and Health Consultation, Dentistry Health
Health activity promotion personnel
Eating habits, etc.

TEL: 045-540-2362
Fax: 045-540-2368

Health Sanitation Division (Food, Animals, Environmental Health, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 38 on the third floor Food Sanitation Section

Sales of restaurants, etc.
Food hygiene consultation
Medical institutions, pharmacies, etc.
Medical and food-related licenses

TEL: 045-540-2370・045-540-2371
Fax: 045-540-2342
No. 39 on the 3rd floor Environmental Sanitation Section

Sales of hairdressing and beauty and cleaning shops, etc.
Hygiene management of water receiving tanks and buildings
Home hygiene
Consultation on bees and pests
Registration of dogs
Animals such as dogs and cats

TEL: 045-540-2373・045-540-2374
Fax: 045-540-2342

Elderly and Disabled Support Division (General Health and Welfare Consultation, Elderly and Disabled Persons, The Long-term Care Insurance, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 11 on the first floor
Elderly and Disabled Support Section

Keiro Special Ride Certificate
Special welfare ticket, welfare taxi ticket, toll road disabled person discount (18 years old or older)
Hama and the card
Designated incurable disease medical expenses Subsidy Program
Geriatric club
General Health and Welfare Consultation (* Consultation counter at the time of the next agency)

TEL: 045-540-2317
Fax: 045-540-2396
Senior Citizen Support Consultation on the elderly (aged 65 and over) (services for the elderly such as The Long-term Care Insurance, care prevention, visit guidance, abuse of the elderly, advocacy (adult guardianship, etc.), dementia)
Persons with Disabilities (Rehabilitation Class)
Consultation for persons with physical and intellectual disabilities over the age of 65
TEL: 045-540-2218・045-540-2327
Fax: 045-540-2396
In charge of community-based comprehensive care promotion Thing about promotion of community-based comprehensive care TEL: 045-540-2321
Fax: 045-540-2396
The Long-term Care Insurance Thing about certification for long-term care TEL: 045-540-2325
Fax: 045-540-2396
Person in charge of disability support

Consultation for persons with physical and intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18 and 64 (Handbook for the Physically Handicapped, Nursing Handbook (Love Handbook), Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act, Independence Support Medical Care (Rehabilitation Medical), Daily Life Equipment, Home Service, Allowance for Persons with Disabilities, etc.)
Designated incurable disease Exchange Meeting and Lecture
Designated incurable disease Health Consultation

TEL: 045-540-2237
Fax: 045-540-2396
No. 13 on the first floor

Mental health and welfare consultation
Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook
Independence support medical care (psychiatric outpatient medical care)

TEL: 045-540-2377
Fax: 045-540-2396

Children and Families Support Division (Mother and Child Handbook, Maternal and Child Health, Child Raising Allowance, etc.)
NumberIn chargeMain Business ActivitiesTEL
Fax number
No. 14 on the first floorChildren and Families Support SectionChildren's allowance
Maternal and Child Health Handbook
Infant health checkups
Chronic Pediatric Diseases
Medical aid for premature infants
Fostering medical care
(under 18 years old) Special welfare ticket
Welfare taxi ticket
Discount certificate for persons with disabilities on toll roads

TEL: 045-540-2340
Fax: 045-540-3026

Child and Family SupportConsultation on children and homes
Child abuse
truancy, etc.

TEL: 045-540-2388
Fax: 045-540-3026

Maternal and child health, local child care support (baby association, etc.), infertility consultation, etc.TEL: 045-540-2365
Fax: 045-540-3026
Child dependency allowance
Consultation on single-parent family systems such as maternal and child father and son widow loans
Consultation for children with physical and intellectual disabilities under the age of 18
TEL: 045-540-2320
Fax: 045-540-3026

Children and Families Support Division (Nursery School, After School Kids, Hamako Fureai School, etc.)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 3A on the 3rd floor In charge of childcare Nursery school entrance application / consultation
Operation and guidance of daycare centers and unlicensed daycare facilities in the city
TEL: 045-540-2280
Fax: 045-540-2426
No. 3B on the 3rd floor School Cooperation Officer Cooperation with local communities and schools
After school kids club
Hamako Fureai School
After-School Care Program Clubs
TEL: 045-540-2212・045-540-2442
Fax: 045-540-2426

Life Support Division (social security, independence support for the poor in life)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 15 on the first floor Life Support Section

Consultation, decision and implementation of social security

TEL: 045-540-2329
Fax: 045-540-2358
Consultation, decision, and implementation of independence support for the poor in life TEL: 045-540-2372
Fax: 045-540-2358
Administrative Section Payment of welfare expenses
Acceptance of requests for support based on the Act on Payment of Special Benefits and the Act on Payment of Special Condolences
TEL: 045-540-2341
Fax: 045-540-2358

Insurance and Pension Division (National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin), National Health Insurance)
Number In charge Main Business Activities

Fax number

No. 25 on the second floor National Pension Plan Section

Procedures and Consultations in National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Notification of Disability Basic Pension

TEL: 045-540-2346・045-540-2347
Fax: 045-540-2355
No. 26 on the second floor National Health Insurance Section

National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, and Medical Care for the Elderly
Certificate of Limit Application
Thing about medical expenses grant (child, severely disabled person, single-parent home)

TEL: 045-540-2351・045-540-2353
Fax: 045-540-2355
No. 27 on the second floor Changes in qualifications for National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, and Medical Care for the Elderly (enrollment, loss, etc.), burden ratio, reissue of insurance cards, insurance premiums
Specific Health Checkups (specific medical examination) and specific health guidance

TEL: 045-540-2344・045-540-2349
Fax: 045-540-2355

Related facilities in the surrounding area

Kohoku Public Works Office (Management of roads, sewers and parks)
Major Operations

Fax number

Management of Public Roads
Management of familiar parks
Management of waterways
Management of sewerage

TEL: 045-531-7361
Fax: 045-531-9699

※Kohoku Public Works Office is a separate building from the Kohoku Ward General Government Building.
Location 7-39-1 Okurayama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama (Guide to Public Works Office)

Administrative service corner
In charge Main Business Activities TEL
Shin-Yokohama Administrative Service Corner (Map)

family register Certificate of All Matters (certified copy), Certificate of Personal Matters (abstract), Copy of resident certificate, Certificate of Items on resident certificate, Copy of Attachment of family register
Seal Registration Certificate
Municipal tax, prefectural tax (non-) taxation certificate, city tax tax payment certificate, fixed asset tax book registration matter certificate (land, house (for the current fiscal year))

Phone: 045-475-1301
Hiyoshi Station Administrative Service Corner (Map) Phone: 045-565-0013

Kohoku fire deparment
Main Business Activities TEL
fire brigade, fire prevention, certificate of damage / disaster, etc. Phone: 045-546-0119

Kohoku public hall (outside site)
Main Business Activities TEL
Use permission of public hall Phone: 045-540-2399・2400

Yokohama City Hall 2F Yokohama Building Information Center (6-50-10 Honmachi, Naka-ku, telephone: 045-671-2953).

If you do not know the person in charge, please call the General Information (Phone: 045-540-2323).

Inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-540-2221

Phone: 045-540-2221

Fax: 045-540-2227

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 241-381-153

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