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  4. About providing lunch during summer vacation at Kids Club After-School Care Program Clubs after school

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About providing lunch during summer vacation at Kids Club After-School Care Program Clubs after school

In Yokohama City, as part of the Oyako More Smile Package, a policy package that creates a sense of comfort and creates everyday smiles for parents and children, we will provide lunch at the after-school kids club After-School Care Program Clubs during long holidays in summer 2024. [The implementation of the model ended on August 26]

Last updated on December 26, 2024.

About the results of the questionnaire on lunch provision
We conducted a questionnaire survey of elementary school student, parents and clubs regarding the provision of lunch at all after-school children's clubs After-School Care Program Clubs, which was modeled during the summer vacation of 2024.
Questionnaire results regarding the implementation of a lunch proposal model at the after-school kids club After-School Care Program Clubs during the long holidays in 2024 (PDF: 544KB)

1 Club

All after-school kids clubs After-School Care Program Clubs in Yokohama (565 locations)

2 Available elementary school student

Absence Home elementary school student

①After School Kids Club: elementary school student registered in [Category 2A/B]
②After-School Care Program Clubs: All registered elementary school student

※For after-school kids clubs, lunch is not available at [Category 1] and spot use elementary school student.

3 Implementation Period

Summer vacation period of elementary school (*)

※Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (some other days may not be implemented by lunch providers)

4 Charges

 400 yen (tax included)/food

5 Image of lunch box

※The lunch box is just an image.

6 Lunch Provider

Lunch provider
WardLunch provider
Aoba WardYamaji Food Systems Co., Ltd.

Asahi Ward, Izumi Ward, Isogo Ward, Konan Ward, Sakae Ward, Totsuka Ward, Minami Ward

Harvest Co., Ltd.

Kanagawa Ward, Kanazawa Ward, Tsuzuki Ward  , Tsurumi Ward, Naka Ward Hodogaya Ward

Miyukiken Co., Ltd.
Kohoku WardTokaken Co., Ltd.
Seya Ward, Nishi Ward, Midori WardYasuda Bussan Co., Ltd.


<About omission of food allergy response by lunch provider at Kids Club After-School Care Program Clubs after school>
elementary school student's parents pointed out that during the lunch provided by Harvest Co., Ltd. to Kids Club After-School Care Program Clubs on July 24 and 29, there was no mention of allergy in the menu. Allergy elementary school student (18 people) ate lunch on both days, one of which caused vomiting and nausea health hazards to elementary school student.
The accident was caused by Harvest Co., Ltd.'s failure to properly label allergy, contrary to the terms of the contract with Motoichi, and caused anxiety and inconvenience to many elementary school student, parents, and after-school children's club After-School Care Program Clubs.
The city took this accident seriously and took measures to suspend the nomination for Harvest Co., Ltd. for one month from August 16. .
The implementation of the model for lunch provision during this summer vacation was completed on Monday, August 26, but for the next implementation, further efforts will be made on safety management measures, such as strengthening the check system for allergic labeling, We will make sure you can use it with confidence.

・July 29 Press release document (first report) (PDF: 219KB)
・July 30 Press release document (second report) (PDF: 205KB)

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Child and Youth Bureau After School elementary school student Training Division

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