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  2. Child care, education
  3. Training elementary school student after school
  4. About Yokohama-shi enrollment, use application entrance / exit management system (after school e-place system)

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About Yokohama-shi enrollment, use application entrance / exit management system (after school e-place system)

In order to improve the convenience of parents who use the after-school kids club After-School Care Program Clubs, Yokohama City has developed an online application system and inform them of entering and leaving elementary school student (hereinafter referred to as the "after-school e-location system"), which will be introduced at clubs starting in fiscal 2025.

Last updated on January 30, 2025.

Request to register for the after-school e-place system

We will distribute a "Enrollment / Use Application Registration Flyer" and "Guide to Use" with a two-dimensional code for registration printed through the club.
If you use the club in 2025, please read the two-dimensional code distributed by the club, including those who have been using it before 2024, and enter the necessary information.

After school kids club

When the club distributes a leaflet containing a two-dimensional code, please check the procedure from the file below and proceed with the registration. The materials will be updated and uploaded sequentially.

After-School Care Program Clubs

When the club distributes a leaflet containing a two-dimensional code, please check the procedure from the file below and proceed with the registration. The materials will be updated and uploaded sequentially.

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Youth Department After School elementary school student Development Division

Phone: 045-671-4446

Phone: 045-671-4446

Fax: 045-663-1926

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 164-242-469


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