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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Child care, education
  3. Youth development
  4. Youth facilities
  5. About designated manager system introduction facility

Last updated on August 7, 2020.

The text is from here.

About designated manager system introduction facility

In order to respond effectively and efficiently to the diversifying needs of citizens, the designated manager system aims to improve citizen services and reduce expenses while utilizing private know-how to manage public facilities, It was established by the revision of the Local Autonomy Law in June 2003. With the introduction of this system, it has become possible to entrust the management and operation of public facilities, which were previously limited to public organizations, to a wide range of organizations, including private businesses. Here, we will tell about the introduction situation of designated manager system of facility which youth development section has jurisdiction over.

List of designated management introduction facilities

NameLocationBase for installation
Yokohama City Youth Development Center4-42-1 Sumiyoshicho, Naka-ku, Kannnai Hall B1FYokohama City Youth Facilities Ordinance
Nojima Youth Training Center, Yokohama City24-2 Nojimacho, Kanazawa-ku, NojimakoenYokohama City Youth Facilities Ordinance
Yokohama Children's Science Museum (Hamagin Children's Space Science Museum)5-2-1, Yokoudai, Isogo-kuYokohama Children's Science Museum Ordinance
Mitsuzawa Park Youth Outdoor Activity Center, Yokohama3-1, Mitsuzawanishimachi, Kanagawa-kuYokohama City Youth Outdoor Activities Center Ordinance
Kurogane Youth Outdoor Activity Center, Yokohama1380, Kuroganecho, Aoba-kuYokohama City Youth Outdoor Activities Center Ordinance
Yokohama Children's Nature Park Youth Outdoor Activity Center65-1, Oikecho, Asahi-kuYokohama City Youth Outdoor Activities Center Ordinance

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