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Last updated on August 30, 2024.

The text is from here.

Child care support in the community

Let's go out! Parent-child location & temporary custody information for children (child care support information magazine)

What is the "place for parents and children"?

"Parent and child place" is mainly a place where preschool children and their parents play together and interact with other parents and children. Please use the place near you.

In addition, we publish only place to hold more than three times a week, but in addition to this, we publish "child care salon" (held from once a month to once a week) operated by local people and map As garden opening of some nursery schools is available, please refer to child, home support consultation of each ward.

Please see the following leaflet about "place of parent and child" and "temporary custody information of child".

Let's go out in 2024! Parent-child location cover

Collective download

Let's go out! A place for parents and children! & Temporary custody information for children (issued in June 2024) (PDF: 30,457KB)

Split download

Whereabouts of parent and child (business summary) (P.2) (PDF: 3,125KB)
Parent-child location information (list of distinction) (P.3 to 7) (PDF: 7,752KB)
Temporary custody information for children (P.8 to 9) (PDF: 9,219KB)
In case of trouble, there is such a way to deposit (P.10 to 11) (PDF: 8,423KB)
Back cover (P.12) (PDF: 3,107KB)

Website of each business

Please see the pages of each business in the leaflet from each business page below.
For inquiries, please contact the contact information at the bottom of each business page.

“Parent and Child Places” Business Pages (P.2 to 7)
Local child care support baseGathering open space for parents and children
Child care support center garden, child care open space private permanent gardenPrivate kindergartens are Mako Square

“Temporary custody of children” Business pages (P.8 to 11)
Temporary infant custody businessTemporary childcare at licensed nursery schools
Yokohama Child Care Support SystemTemporary custody in the open space for parents and children
Child care for sick childrenChildcare for Post-Sick Children
24-hour emergency temporary childcareHoliday childcare and temporary childcare on holidays

Others (P.12)
Child and family support consultation at the ward officeChild care supporter venue

Child care home support business "Hamahag" (outside site)

Cooperation between "Parent and Child Places"

In Motoichi, we devise "child, child care support project plan" with five years as one term, and decide to focus on "improvement of quality of support" in the second plan. In order to respond to diversifying child-rearing families in a meticulous manner, we will summarize and promote the "Thoughts of Cooperation between Leaders for Improvement of Quality of Child-Rearing Support in the Community".
Approach of cooperation between leaders for improvement of quality of child care support in area (PDF: 755KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section

Phone: 045-671-4157

Phone: 045-671-4157

Fax: 045-550-3946

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 962-649-331


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