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Flow from Request to Decision

Last updated on February 15, 2021.

The flow from the request for examination to the decision of the Examining Agency is as shown in the following figure. It depends on whether the Examining Agency becomes the Board of Education or the Superintendent of Education.
Examination requests for information disclosure and personal disclosure of personal information, and examination requests when the mayor is considered to be the Examining Agency are different from the following flow. Specifically, please refer to disposal section.

When the Board of Education becomes the Examining Agency

Flow when the Board of Education becomes the Examining Agency
(Figure) When the Board of Education becomes the Examining Agency

※You can also submit a request for examination to the Board of Education Secretariat Staff Section (Examination Office) via the Disposal Section (Disposal Office).
Please use the following form and description example to create a request for examination.

When the Superintendent of Education becomes the Examining Agency

Flow when the superintendent of education becomes the Examining Agency
(Figure) When the superintendent of education becomes the Examining Agency

※You can also submit a request for examination to the Board of Education Secretariat Staff Section (Examination Office) via the Disposal Section (Disposal Office). Please use the following form and description example to create a request for examination.

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Page ID: 888-439-939


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