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Extraordinary meeting on May 27, 2021

Last updated on June 29, 2021.

Announcement of City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Extraordinary Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat Extraordinary Meeting will be held as follows.

1 Date and time

Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:00 a.m.

2 Places

Shared meeting room on the 18th floor of Yokohama City Hall City Hall (Nami Ki 14.15)


(1)Approval of minutes
(2)General Reports and Other Reports
 Response to the COVID-19 infection
 "Measures to prevent recurrence of serious bullying situations" About the status of initiatives in FY2020
(3)Matters to be discussed
 Board of Education No. 6 Proposal About School Size Optimization, etc.
 Board of Education seventh bill About appointment of extraordinary committee such as Yokohama-shi school scale appropriateness Exploratory Committee
 Board of Education Proposal No. 8: Personnel of Faculty and Staff
※It is expected that Proposal No. 7 and Proposal No. 8 will be closed.

4 How to observe

 Reception on the day (If the number of observers exceeds 20, the audience will be determined by lot according to the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 2 of the City of Yokohama, Board of Education Secretariat observer Rules.)
(2)Reception hours
 From 9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.
(3)Reception desk
 18th floor lobby of Yokohama City Hall City Hall
 Please receive your admission ticket at the reception on the 3rd floor of Yokohama City Hall City Hall and come to the lobby on the 18th floor from the elevator B.
 In addition, about access method, please see "access to city hall" and "access to city hall the third floor to the 18th floor lobby".

※Prevention of the expansion of COVID-19 infection
 ・Please cooperate with infection prevention measures such as hand washing, wearing a mask, and cough etiquette.
 ・For those who are not feeling well, we will post meeting materials and minutes at a later date, so please be careful not to observe.
 ・Staff may wear masks or open windows in the conference room to provide ventilation. Please forgive me.

※For the press, please come to the 18th floor lobby of Yokohama City Hall City Hall.

Access to the City Hall

Access to the 3rd to 18th floor lobby of the City Hall

Meeting materials


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