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2008 Educational Statistics Survey

Last updated on May 30, 2024.

A City School Current Status (as of May 1, 2008)

1 Population of Yokohama City and number of municipal elementary and junior high school elementary school student students

2 School Overview

3 Kindergarten 4 Elementary Schools

5 Junior high schools 6 high schools 7 Special Needs Schools

8 Vocational schools 9 various schools

B Local Education Expenditure Survey

1 Outline of the Local Education Expenditure Survey

2 Results of the Survey on Local Education Expenses for Fiscal Year 2007

3 Local education expenses survey summary table for fiscal year 2007

※Reference Materials

C Various statistical surveys

Ⅰ Career status survey of prospective graduates such as Municipal Elementary Schools in 2008

Ⅱ 2007 survey of graduates of Municipal Junior High School and others

Ⅲ 2007 Transfer status survey of municipal high school students

Ⅳ Career status survey of graduates of municipal high schools in 2007

Ⅴ 2008 Municipal High School Admission Status Survey

Ⅵ 2008 Preschool-aged child student survey

Ⅶ Survey of applicants planning to graduate from Municipal Junior High School in 2008

Ⅷ Year 2009 elementary school student Number Survey

This survey statistical document consists of "city school present situation", "local education expenses investigation" and "various statistical surveys". In "city school present situation", we record document about Motoichi in school basic investigation (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) in 2008. The “Local Education Expenses Survey” section contains a survey of local education expenses conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the fiscal year 2007, which is an interim tabulated at the city stage. (This figure will be finalized at a later date when announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.) In the "Various Statistical Surveys", it contains materials related to Motoichi in the commissioned survey from the country and prefecture conducted in this section in 2008 and the survey results of the city alone.
In the statistical table, "-" is 0 (zero) or non-applicable, "…"I don't get a number because it's not a survey target. In addition, the percentage used in this survey is the ratio to the total number, and the total and breakdown may not match.

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