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What is the Foster Parent System?

Last updated on August 2, 2024.

The foster parent system is a system for children.

You need enough affection for your child to grow healthy. However, there are children who cannot live at home due to various circumstances such as parental illness, death of spouse, divorce and abuse. The "foster parent system" is a "system for children" based on the Child Welfare Law, in which such children are welcomed to the home and raised with affection as a member of the family.
Living in the warm affection and atmosphere of the home is very important for your child's growth. In foster parents, these children are welcomed as members of the family, and each child is cherished and raised with affection.
If you would like to check it in the video, please click here. ※Foster parent system explanatory video (outside site)

Type of foster parent

There are four types of foster parents, and we ask foster parents who are appropriate depending on the situation of the children to raise them.
Foster parent Raise children in various situations where they cannot live in their parents' homes.
Foster parent You will be raised as a foster parent until the special adoption is established.
Relative Foster Parents Supporters such as grandparents of children raise children.
Specialized foster parents After gaining experience as a foster parent, raise the child with more specialized knowledge.

Requirements for becoming a foster parent

If you are applying for a foster parent, you must meet all of the following requirements: (Cohabitants must meet 4-6.)

Have an understanding of the child and have enthusiasm and affection for raising children.

Being physically and mentally healthy and appropriate for raising children

There is plenty of income and housing to the extent that it does not hinder the raising of children, and a healthy and bright family life is running.
Not being sentenced to imprisonment or higher during the suspended period
Punishment of acts relating to the Child Welfare Law, prostitution of elementary school student, child pornography, etc., and the Protection of elementary school student, and other laws relating to the welfare of the people are not executed or suspended.
Child abuse or measures elementary school student, etc. Have not been abused or have not committed extremely inappropriate acts with respect to the welfare of elementary school student

The flow until foster parent certification

First of all, please consult with children's guidance office, which has jurisdiction over your ward.

Consult with children's guidance office and participate in foster parent system briefings
※For those who are interested in the foster parent system, we will provide information on foster parent system briefings and training.


Training, facility tours, interviews in children's guidance office, foster parent application
※Learn about the foster parent system and elementary school student, which requires social care. I'll also have an interview in children's guidance office to hear about you.


Interviews, home visits, surveys, nursing training and training by children's guidance office
※In addition to interviews and home visits, you will learn how to interact with children through childcare training. In the training, you will acquire the necessary knowledge as a foster parent, such as the child's body and mind, and relationships with parents.


Deliberation-certification at the Child Welfare Council
※After a review by the children's guidance office, the Child Welfare Council will discuss whether it is appropriate as a foster parent, and if approved, the Mayor of Yokohama will certify it as a foster parent.

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Children's Rights Protection Division

Phone: 045-671-2394

Phone: 045-671-2394

Fax: 045-550-3948

E-Mail address [email protected]

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