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  4. elementary school student Care and Foster Parent System
  5. About holding of foster parent system enlightenment talk event (option of foster parent)

Last updated on September 2, 2024.

The text is from here.

About holding of foster parent system enlightenment talk event (option of foster parent)

2024 foster parent system enlightenment talk event

Your home will change the future of children-the option of foster parents-


In Yokohama, about 100 children between the ages of 0 and 18 who cannot live with their families due to various reasons live in foster homes and family homes. Children live under many foster parents, but in Yokohama City, we still need those who can become foster parents.

This time, we will hold a foster parent system enlightenment talk event following last year. Born in Yokohama City Foster Parents, Foster Parents
We will welcome you to the speakers and share your experiences with children's guidance office staff on the theme of "Your home will change the future of children: the option of foster parents."

Those who are interested in the foster parent system and children who live away from their families for various reasons.                             If you want to help something, we look forward to your visit.

Outline of the lecture
Date and time

From 13:00 to 15:30 (opening at 12:45) on Monday, October 14, 2024 (holiday)

VenueAtrium on the first floor of Yokohama City Hall

Part 1: Juggling Show Seikogakuin Junior High School High School Certified Organization Ball Pokopoko (13:00 to 13:35)
Part 2: Talk event
    Your home will change the future of children-the option of foster parents-(13:35 to 15:00)
    Speaker (title omitted)
    ・2 from Yokohama-shi foster parent family
    ・Yokohama City Foster Parent
    ・Chief of Support Division, Central children's guidance office, Yokohama City
    ・Junko Arai, Vice President of the Foster Foster Parent Fostering Institution "Sakura Mirai"
Part 3: Individual consultation (from 15:00 to 15:30)
In addition, we will hold photo exhibitions and exhibitions (11:00 to 15:00) and wait for you.

How to apply

You don't need to apply in advance.
Please come to the venue directly.
Click here for information leaflet (PDF: 1,980KB)

Venue Information

Atrium on the 1st floor of Yokohama City Hall (10, 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama) [Facility Information]
[If you come by train]
・Get off at Basyamichi Station in Minato Mirai Line, directly connected to the 1C entrance.
・Get off at JR Sakuragicho Station, about 200 meters from Shinnanguchi (city hall entrance, ticket gate dedicated to transportation IC cards), about 3 minutes on foot.
・Get off at Sakuragicho Station, about 200 meters from one exit, about 3 minutes on foot.
[If you come by bus]
・The nearest bus stop "Yokohama City Hall-mae" "Yokohama City Hall Kita Plaza"
[Parking, bicycle parking lots] There is a general parking lot on the first basement floor and a bicycle parking lots on the first floor.
・There is a general parking lot on the first basement floor and a bicycle parking lots on the first floor.
・Please check here for details such as entrances, fees, reduction and exemptions. 【Information on parking lots and bicycle parking lots

Yokohama Port Family

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