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Last updated on May 27, 2019.

The text is from here.

About selection of designated manager

We will tell about choice of designated manager of public local nursing center (six places).
(Designated period: 5 years from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2024)
About the details of designated manager system, please see designated manager system-related information page.

Method of selecting the next designated manager

In Yokohama-shi area nursing center designation manager choice committee, the results of current designated manager are shown
We evaluate and, when the result is good, Yokohama-shi area nursing center regulations Article 7 Clause 5
Apply the rules and select the current designated manager as the next designated manager. The result is not good
In that case, after conducting open call for participants, we will select the next designated manager again.

Target facilities

List of target facilities



Yokohama City Southern Area Nursing Center

5-32-20, Sugita, Isogo-ku

Totsuka Regional Nursing Center in Yokohama

4-4, Kawakamicho, Totsuka-ku

Northern Yokohama Regional Rehabilitation Center

16-3, Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki-ku

Yokohama City Chubu Regional Nursing Center

49, Shimizugaoka, Minami-ku

Yokohama City Western Area Nursing Center

743-2, Imaicho, Hodogaya-ku

Yokohama City Eastern Regional Rehabilitation Center

1-29, Higashikanagawa, Kanagawa-ku

Yokohama-shi area nursing center designation manager choice committee list

List of Designated Manager Selection Committee Members



Junko Koakutsu


Masataka Joko

Tax accountants

Kayoko Mori

Chairman of the Liaison Council for Protecting Children with Disabilities Yokohama

Mari Yoshida

President of Odawara Junior College

Yoshihiro Watanabe

Yokohama City University Medical Center
Assistant Professor, Children's General Medical Center

Hiromi Nakane※

Representative of the Parents' Association for Southern Area Nursing Center in Yokohama

Junko Takemura※

Representative of the Totsuka Regional Nursing Center Parents' Association in Yokohama

Hitomi Nakao※

Representative of the Parents' Association for Northern Area Nursing Center in Yokohama City

Miho Shimonaga※

Representative of Yokohama City Chubu Regional Nursing Center Parents' Association

Reiko Koizumi※

Representative of Yokohama City Western Area Nursing Center Parents' Association

Mari Hoshina※

Representative of Yokohama City Eastern Area Nursing Center Parents' Association

(Titles omitted, random order)
※Six members of the Parents' Association, who are temporary members, participate in the selection of local nursing centers to be used by them.

Status of Selection Committee

1st Selection Committee (held on Thursday, July 5, 2018)
 →Holding guidance (PDF: 60KB) Date document (PDF: 4,846KB) Minutes (PDF: 179KB)
2nd Selection Committee (held on Monday, September 3, 2018) 
 →Holding guidance (PDF: 60KB) Date document (PDF: 784KB) Minutes (PDF: 228KB)
The 3rd Selection Committee (held on Friday, September 7, 2018)
 →Holding guidance (PDF: 60KB) Date document (PDF: 830KB) Minutes (PDF: 236KB)

Evaluation criteria, evaluation method, etc.

We established criteria for evaluation such as the results of the current designated manager and selection criteria as the next designated manager, and selected based on this.
Please refer to the evaluation criteria (PDF: 234KB) for the evaluation criteria determined by the selection committee. 
In addition, the methods and methods of evaluation are as follows.
[Methods and Means of Evaluation]
According to the following 1 to 5, each committee member will conduct provisional scoring, implement 6, and conduct a formal evaluation based on the results.
 ① Documents to be submitted from the current designated manager (in addition to each style, a copy of notification of audit results, etc.)
 ② Welfare service third-party evaluation result and questionnaire result that we carried out in 2016
 ③ Self-evaluation by the current designated manager
 ④ Statistical materials prepared by the secretariat
 ⑤ Tour of each center
 ⑥ Presentation (explanation) and hearing (Q & A) by the current designated manager
   ※ In the presentation, touch on "How do you perceive regional characteristics and operate it?"

Results of selection

In the selection committee, the results of the current designated manager were evaluated (scoring), and as a result, the designated manager was selected as follows.
Please refer to the selection result report (PDF: 147KB) for the report submitted by the selection committee. 

List of selected organizations

Facility name

Selection organization

Yokohama City Southern Area Nursing Center

Social Welfare Corporation Blue Bird

Totsuka Regional Nursing Center in Yokohama

Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama Rehabilitation Corporation

Northern Yokohama Regional Rehabilitation Center

Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama Rehabilitation Corporation

Yokohama City Chubu Regional Nursing Center

Social Welfare Corporation Blue Bird

Yokohama City Western Area Nursing Center

Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama Rehabilitation Corporation

Yokohama City Eastern Regional Rehabilitation Center

Social Welfare Corporation Blue Bird

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Welfare Division Children with Disabilities, Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department

Phone: 045-671-4279

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Fax: 045-663-2304

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