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About infertility examination expense subsidy business

Last updated on January 1, 2025.

Overview of the System

In Yokohama-shi, we perform Yokohama-shi infertility examination costs subsidy business to support one suffering from infertility such as repeating miscarriage more than once. This is a project to subsidize a part of the cost required for infertility tests announced as advanced medical care based on national guidelines.


As of April 1, 2024, there is one test to be subsidized.

  • Gene tests using stillbirth samples taken after December 1, 2022 (miscarriage and fetal tissue chromosome tests using next-generation sequencers)
①Genetic testing using stillbirth samples (miscarriage and fetal tissue chromosome tests using next-generation sequencers)
Target person

Those who meet the following two
1.There must be a Address in Yokohama as of the date of application.
2.There must be at least two miscarriages (*) and a history of stillbirth.
※The definition of miscarriage in this system does not include biochemical miscarriages (chemical miscarriages).

Inspection dateHave been inspected on or after December 1, 2022.
Applicable inspection

Genetic testing using stillbirth samples (miscarriage and fetal tissue chromosome tests using next-generation sequencers) (*)
(Other examination costs and treatment costs are not subsidized.)
※Inspections performed before November 30, 2022 are not eligible for this grant project.

Medical institutions

Have been tested at a medical institution listed in Advanced Medical Care A No. 24 on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website (list of medical institutions that provide advanced medical care).
[Reference] Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website (List of medical institutions that provide advanced medical care) (outside site) (outside site) (outside site)

2.Details of the grant

Maximum grant amount

Gene tests using stillbirth samples taken after December 1, 2022 (miscarriage and fetal tissue chromosome tests using next-generation sequencers)

70% of the inspection cost per inspection (rounded down to the nearest thousand yen) ※However, the upper limit is 60,000 yen

Number of times

No limit on the number of times

3.About application

Application documents

List of application documents
Yokohama-shi infertility examination expense furtherance application (first style) (PDF: 150KB)※As for the application amount, please transfer the receipt amount stated by the medical institution to the Yokohama City Infertility Test Subsidy Test Examination Certificate (No. 2 style).
Yokohama-shi infertility examination expense furtherance examination examination test examination examination certificate (second style) (PDF: 63KB)※The medical institution that conducted the examination fills out.
Copy of receipt issued by medical institution※Please confirm that the date and amount of the receipt match the treatment period and the amount received listed in the Yokohama City Infertility Test Subsidy Test Examination Certificate (No. 2 style).
※When copying the receipt, please make a copy so that you can understand your name, amount of receipt, date of consultation (test), date of receipt, and name of the medical institution. (double-sided copy is acceptable)
A copy of the bank account name, account number, and account holder to which the transferee is known

※Copy of bankbook or cash card

Application deadline

Within one year (postmark valid) with the date of inspection as the first day.
(Example: If you are inspected on August 1, the application deadline is until July 31 of the following year.)

Application method and contact information ※Please mail it to the address below.

Please mail it to the address below.
We recommend that you use simple registered mail or special record mail that has a record of sending and delivery.
We are not responsible for non-delivery accidents involving mail that do not have a delivery record, such as ordinary mail.
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Regional Child Care Support Division Treatment Subsidy
TEL: 045-671-2455

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section

Phone: 045-671-2455

Phone: 045-671-2455

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 619-341-030


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