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  5. JR commuter pass discount (households receiving Child Raising Allowance)

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JR commuter pass discount (households receiving Child Raising Allowance)

Last updated on February 5, 2024.

If you receive Child Raising Allowance, you can purchase a JR commuter pass at a discount of 3%.

Target person

Child Raising Allowance Recipients / Targets elementary school student recipients and living together household members (those who are dependent on recipients) who need a JR commuter pass
※Tickets other than commuting are not eligible.

How to apply and purchase

Please apply to Children and Families Support Division in your ward.

1.Please apply for grant of "certificate of qualification for specific person".
<Required for Application>
(1)Child Raising Allowance Certificates (within expiration date)
(2)ID photo of the person receiving the discount
(Photo of the front upper body taken within 6 months, 3cm long x 2.4cm wide)

2.Please apply for the issuance of a "certificate of purchase of a commuter pass for a specific person".
<Required for Application>
(1)"Certificate of Qualification of Specific Persons" issued in 1 above

※The above procedures 1 and 2 can be done at the same time.
※The validity period of each certificate
(1)Certificate of Eligibility: 1 year from the date of issue
(2)Certificate of purchase of regular tickets for specific persons: 6 months from the date of issue
(However, the validity period of the certificate of qualification cannot be exceeded.)
※If you want to purchase a JR commuter pass after the validity period of the certificate of specific person qualification, you need to apply again.

3.Present and submit the above certificates 1 and 2 at the counter of JR station and purchase a commuter pass.
(1)Certificate of Eligibility for Specific Persons (presentation required)
(2)Certificate of purchase of a regular ticket for a specific person (submission required)

Notice of Mail Application

For the time being, procedures by mail are also possible.
When applying, please use the application form (PDF: 166KB) and send it together with the reply envelope. In the case of mailing, please send a copy of the Child Raising Allowance Certificate, not the original.
For details on procedures such as postage stamps attached to reply envelopes, please consult with your ward office Children and Families Support Division.


About commuter pass
・JR window
Regarding the issuance of certificates
・Children and Families Support Division, each district

Medium045-224-8198Green leaves045-978-2457

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Children's Home Division

Phone: 045-663-7107

Phone: 045-663-7107

Fax: 045-641-8412

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 521-544-722


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