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  4. About utilization of former Yokohama-shi Isogo Haym

Last updated on December 4, 2023.

The text is from here.

About utilization of former Yokohama-shi Isogo Haym

Results of Sounding Survey

We asked for your comments, but there was no application.

We will conduct on-site tours and sounding-type market research on the utilization of the former Isogo Haym in Yokohama City

Sounding-type market research

 About former Yokohama-shi Isogo Haym located in 3-chome Okamura, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi which Yokohama-shi owns, we push forward examination about possibility of building, land use based on local request.
 Prior to the recruitment of businesses, we conducted a “Sounding-type market survey” with the aim of grasping the intentions of private businesses and market trends through “dialogues” with private businesses, etc. We would like to use it as a reference when examining the possibilities and conditions for open recruitment. We hope you will join us.

Overview of Implementation

■On-site tours and prior briefings
Date and timeThursday, August 31, 2023 10: 00-11: 00
Location3-10-16, Isogo-ku, Yokohama
ContentsExplanation of the outline of the project, how to conduct dialogue, and conduct on-site tours.              
Date of applicationUntil 17:00 on Friday, August 25, 2023
Application (E-mail)

※Prior application is required for participation.
If you would like to participate, please contact the application by e-mail with the name of the participant, the name of the company you belong to (or the name of your organization) and Phone number by the deadline. The subject of the email should be [Application for Briefing Session].
 In addition, even if you do not participate in the preliminary briefing, you can participate in the dialogue.

■Implementation of dialogue
Date and timeFrom Friday, September 22, Reiwa 5 to Friday, September 29
LocationMeeting room in City Hall (6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Target personCorporations or groups of corporations interested in project implementation
Application periodFrom Monday, September 4, 2023 to Friday, September 15, 17:00
How to applyFill out the “Entry Sheet” (Form 1) and submit it by e-mail.
Submission of prior materialsFill out the “Preliminary Hearing Sheet” (Form 2) as much as possible and submit it by e-mail.
Application (E-mail)

  ※For details, please refer to the following URL.

Documents such as implementation guidelines

For more information, please refer to the following link. Please use the entry sheet to apply for on-site tours and sounding-type market research.

Sounding-type market research implementation guidelines (PDF: 6,201KB)

Entry sheet (Form 1) (word: 27KB)

Preliminary hearing sheet (Form 2) (word: 30KB)

Preliminary Questionnaire (word: 13KB)

Press release document (PDF: 1,573KB)

Overview of Facilities
Location3-10-16, Okamura, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi
Site Overview

Site area: 819.67m2
Current land residential land              

Overview of the Building

Reinforced concrete, 3 stories above ground (44 years old)
Total floor area 1,010.17 m2

Wide Area


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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Children's Rights Protection Division

Phone: 045-671-4288

Phone: 045-671-4288

Fax: 045-550-3948

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Page ID: 348-129-564


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