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National Health Insurance Premium (Web Fund Transfer Service)

Last updated on December 18, 2023.


National Health Insurance premium

What is required for application

①Financial institution name, branch name, and savings account number can be confirmed (passbook, cash card, etc.)
②National Health Insurance insured person's card number can be confirmed (insurance card, etc.)

Eligible financial institutions (Web fund transfer service)

Please note that the handling store varies according to financial institutions.
1 Financial institutions handled at stores nationwide
Bank of YokohamaResona BankSumitomo Mitsui BankingMizuho BankSaitama Resona Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust BankSuruga BankSHIZUOKA BANKTokyo Star BankThe Higashi-Nippon Bank
Kiraboshi Bank    
2 Financial institutions handled at stores in Kanagawa and Tokyo
Hokuriku BankNo. 4 Hokuetsu BankSBI Shinsei BankAozora BankCentral Bank of Shizuoka
Yokohama Shinkin BankKawasaki Shinkin BankShiba Shinkin BankSetagaya Shinkin BankRefreshing Shinkin Bank
Central Labor Bank    
3 Financial institutions handled at stores in Kanagawa Prefecture
Kanagawa BankKanagawa Shinkin Bank

Kanagawa Dentist
Credit unions

Kanagawa Prefecture Credit Agriculture
Federation of Cooperative Associations
(You already have an account.
Only the person in charge, account
Transfer is available.

4 Financial institutions handled at stores in Yokohama and Tokyo
5 Financial institutions handled at stores in Yokohama City
Kanagawa Medical Doctor Credit UnionYokohama Kogin Credit Union

JA Yokohama
(JA Yokohama)

6 Japan Post Bank
Available at Japan Post Bank (post office) nationwide.
7 Net Bank
PayPay Bank ※Rakuten Bank ※ 

※PayPay Bank and Rakuten Bank will be able to apply via the Web Fund Transfer Service from December 1, 2023 (noon).

When applying

Please check it out.

・If you use the browser's "Back", "Proceed" or "Reload" buttons, an error will occur.
Press the button on the screen to proceed with the procedure. Also, please note that if you do not operate for more than 15 minutes, the timeout will occur.
・On the application page of the financial institution, be sure to press the buttons displayed on the last page, such as "Notification", "Send", and "Return to Storage Agency". If you do not press that button, the procedure may not be completed successfully.
・If the procedure is interrupted, such as closing the browser on the way, it will be treated as if there was no application.
・Before applying, if you have set to receive or reject only specific e-mails due to spam countermeasures, please set to receive e-mails with URL from "[email protected]".
・Insurance and Pension Division of your ward (the ward selected at the time of application) may contact you about the details of your application.
When the registration procedure for fund transfer is completed, we will send a "Notice of National Health Insurance Payment Method" to the head of household. Please confirm the start period of fund transfer. In addition, about premium until fund transfer is started, please pay with payment notice.
・Households that pay National Health Insurance premiums through special collection (deduction from pension) will continue to receive special collection (deduction from pension) even if they receive "Notice of National Health Insurance Payment Method". If you want to change the payment method from special collection to fund transfer, a separate procedure is required, so please contact your ward office Insurance and Pension Division.
・In addition, please confirm each notes of Web fund transfer reception service (outside site).
・In addition to the web fund transfer reception service, you can apply for fund transfer by submitting a fund transfer request form, and a service that allows you to apply for fund transfer by reading a cash card with a dedicated terminal at the ward office window (Pay account transfer) Service).


Application deadline for Web fund transfer

Transfer will start from the following fiscal year through the application by the 25th of each month.

The transfer date will be the 29th of each month.
※Depending on the content of your application, it may not start from the following fiscal year.
※If insurance premiums increase retroactively before the previous fiscal year, they may be transferred in April or May.
※Normally, the transfer date is 29 days of each delivery date, but if it falls on a holiday for financial institutions, the previous business day will be the transfer date.

Application procedure

Please proceed to the fund transfer procedure below.

Cancellation (abolition) of fund transfer

・When you stop fund transfer, you need to submit a cancellation notice (discontinuation notice) to the applied financial institution.
・When city admits that fund transfer becomes impossible more than once due to lack of balance, we may cancel (abolition) fund transfer forcibly.

Web fund transfer service Frequently Asked Questions

Characters that cannot be entered on the system

The characters that cannot be entered when applying for the Web Fund Transfer Service are as follows.
About list of characters that cannot be input on the system (PDF: 175KB)

Contact information

Insurance and Pension Division in your ward
Insurance and Pension Division Contact List

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division

Phone: 045-671-3922

Phone: 045-671-3922

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 269-914-977


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