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  5. To persons in charge of facilities for the elderly and facilities for the disabled

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To persons in charge of facilities for the elderly and facilities for the disabled

Last updated on December 1, 2024.

The current insurance card was abolished on December 2, 2024, and consultation to medical institutions was, in principle, the use of a minor insurance card.
This time, Yokohama City National Health Insurance (hereinafter referred to as "National Health Insurance") We will inform you about the contents of the abolition of the insurance card in the Kanagawa Medical System for Elderly Senior Citizens (hereinafter referred to as the "late term").
The paper insurance card can be used as before until the expiration date (July 31, 2025).
The basic items are as described in "My Number Card and Health Insurance Card will be integrated".
In the future, we will update this announcement as appropriate and inform you of the information.
About Terms
・The "current insurance card" issued before December 1 is later called the "insurance card".
・My number card for which you have registered for use of your insurance card is later called "minor insurance card".

Matters to be announced

About August 1, 2025 and beyond

National Health Insurance and late-stage insurance cards will expire on July 31, 2025, but since an insurance card cannot be issued, a minor insurance card will be issued.
Qualification Confirmation will be issued to those who have not been registered.
We will issue a “Notification of Qualification” to those who have registered.
Both the National Health Insurance and the latter half will be mailed in a push type (no procedure is required) by July 2025.

About National Health Insurance limit application, standard burden reduction authorization

With the introduction of the online qualification confirmation system at medical institutions, etc., with the consent of the individual, the limit application category can be confirmed, so there is no need to present a limit application certificate. (It is not necessary to apply for renewal in August every year.)

※Those who fall under the following need to apply for a grant such as a limit application certificate.

・If you are going to a medical institution that does not have an online qualification confirmation system

・When households exempt from municipal tax who have been hospitalized for more than 90 days in 12 months prior to the application date receive further reductions in dietary expenses

[About the Medical System for Elderly Seniors]

The above contents are the same for the second semester.

However, please note that the following points are different from National Health Insurance in the latter term.

・Issuance of the limit application certificate, etc. will be completed in conjunction with the abolition of the insurance card on December 2.

※As with the insurance card, the issued limit application certificate etc. can be used until the expiration date stated.

・The “burden classification” after December 2 will be described in the “qualification confirmation” based on the application.

※In the past, those who have applied for a limit application certificate, etc., and who are eligible for the application will be sent with the burden category in the "Qualification Confirmation Form" sent in July next year.

Other Information Related to Facilities

[Application for “Qualification Confirmation Form” pertaining to persons requiring special attention]
In the country, as eligible persons to issue a "qualification confirmation", "persons who have not obtained a My Number Card", "persons who have a My Number Card but have not registered for use of a health insurance card", etc. In addition, "If it is difficult to consult with a minor insurance card, such as a third party such as an assistant needs to accompany the person requiring special attention and assist in confirming the qualification" Is issued by application "Confirmation" You can be issued.

Applications for this application will be accepted from December 2, 2024. At the time of application

About Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance, qualification confirmation grant application (word: 25KB) mention example (PDF: 255KB)
About medical system for elder senior citizens, mention example (PDF: 171KB) mention example (PDF: 171KB) of certificate of medical qualification for elder senior citizens and optional entry items
Please fill in required items and send a copy of your identity verification documents to your ward. A power of attorney is required if someone other than the person or a relative of same household applies in proxy/agent.
※Please note that the application and submission destination vary depending on the insurer.

・Copy of identity verification documents

Power of Attorney (PDF: 190KB) Example of entry (PDF: 342KB) ・ (In the case of adult guardians, copy of entry certificate etc.) 

Copy of identity verification documents (If someone other than the principal applies in proxy/agent, both delegates and proxy/agent are required.)
・Driver's license, my number card (only the face with the photo), documents with a face photo issued by a public office such as a passport, etc.

About inquiry

The inquiries regarding this matter are as follows.
※For inquiries regarding individual residents, please contact the employee health insurance insurer (National Health Insurance, the municipality in charge of qualification in the latter term (the ward office Insurance and Pension Division in Yokohama)).
・Yokohama City National Health Insurance: Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division
・Kanagawa Medical System for Elderly Senior Citizens: Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid
(Insurers are "Kanagawa Prefecture Senior Citizens' Medical and Wide Area Alliance")

For inquiries, please send it to the following e-mail.

When sending e-mails, be sure to include Name of the facility, the name of the person in charge, and contact information in the body of the e-mail.
In addition, please write the subject in the subject of the e-mail after [Facility Minor Insurance Card].
As we publish contents that had you ask as "answer to question" on city homepage which you see (we have about one week until publication.) Please see that.

Answer to your questions (Excel: 14KB)

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Inquiries to this page

National Health Insurance Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2422

Phone: 045-671-2422

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

Medical care system for the very old Medical Aid Division, Ministry of Life and Welfare, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2409

Phone: 045-671-2409

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 726-560-929


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