- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Living, procedures
- family register Tax and Insurance
- Latter-stage elderly healthcare system
The text is from here.
Latter-stage elderly healthcare system
- About application for grant of "qualification confirmation" pertaining to person requiring consideration
- About cancellation of use registration of minor insurance card
- About procedure of medical system for elder senior citizens by mail
- Notification of participation, withdrawal, reissuance of qualification confirmation, etc.
- Medical insurance premiums for late-elderly patients
- Web fund transfer reception service (medical insurance premiums for seniors)
- About leveling of special collection of medical care premium for the latter-stage elderly
- About refund of medical care premium for elder senior citizens
- About certificate of payment of medical care premium for elder senior citizens
- Notification of Third-Party Acts
- Payment of medical expenses
- Dietary and living expenses at the time of hospitalization
- High-cost total nursing care expenses system
- Payment of funeral expenses
- High medical expenses payment system
- Partial contributions and benefits
- Announcement of Health Checkups medical expenses, Yokohama, self-medication tax system
- When going to a medical institution
List of related pages Open the menu of related page list
- Notification and certification (family register, resident certificate, etc.)
- Taxes
- National Health Insurance
- Latter-stage elderly healthcare system
- National Pension
Page ID: 306-303-966