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  6. About leveling of special collection of medical care premium for the latter-stage elderly

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About leveling of special collection of medical care premium for the latter-stage elderly

Last updated on June 7, 2023.

What is special collection?

 The method of paying insurance premiums from pension is called "special collection." Special collection is divided into "temporary collection" and "main collection" depending on the month of payment.

"Temporary collection" and "Main collection"
Provisional collection In principle, premiums paid by pension in April, June and August are the same as those paid in February.
This collection Premiums paid by pension in October, December, and February of the following year, after determining the annual premium amount (July), the amount remaining after deducting the amount paid by provisional collection is the amount collected.

What is leveling?

 There is a possibility that there will be a large difference between the provisional collection amount (insurance amount paid in April, June, and August) and the main collection amount (insurance amount paid in October, December, and February of the following year) For those who have determined that there is a high possibility, adjusting the amount of insurance premiums in June and August so that the amount of insurance paid throughout the year is as even as possible is called "leveling". Even if the premium amount in June / August rises due to the leveling, the premium amount in October / December / February of the following year will decrease, so the final annual premium is the same. In this collection, please pay the amount obtained by subtracting the amount paid by provisional collection from the annual insurance premium.

Leveling of special collection

 Since this special collection is equalized before the amount of insurance premiums this year is determined, it is estimated that the annual insurance premiums for the previous year and this year are about the same. . Therefore, if the annual premium for this year increases or decreases significantly compared to the annual premium for the previous fiscal year, the difference between the provisional collection amount and the actual collection amount may increase. If the annual premium for this year decreases significantly compared to the annual premium for the previous fiscal year, the amount paid by provisional collection will be larger than the annual premium, and the premium may be overpaid. There is. Overpaid insurance premiums will be refunded or appropriated. The ward office will send you a letter of advice on overpaid insurance premiums at a later date, so please check it.

 In addition, special collection may be canceled (stopped) due to a significant decrease in the annual premium for this fiscal year compared to the annual premium for the previous fiscal year. Once the special collection is canceled (stopped), the special collection will resume at least in October of the following year. In order to carry out special collection, it is necessary for the municipalities to request special collection from the pension insurer, but if the special collection is canceled (stopped) once, the request time for resumption is once a year, The time for special collection is stipulated by law as October. We apologize for any inconvenience, but please be careful not to forget to pay because it will be collected normally until special collection resumes (July / August / September of the following year).

Targets for leveling

 Payment of insurance premiums by special collection continues, and insured persons who meet the following conditions are subject to leveling.

[Culculation formula for applicable conditions (in the case of leveling in FY2024)]
FY2023 Annual insurance premium x 1/2-February 2024 Insurance premium x 3 ≧ 3,000 yen

 However, those who have a period after leveling of 110,000 yen or more and a period rate higher by leveling of 73,300 yen or more are not eligible for leveling.

Method of calculation of leveling

 The calculation method of insurance premiums after leveling is as follows.

[Indication formula for calculating monthly premiums (in the case of leveling in FY2024)]
  Calculation formula
April Premiums The same amount as the February 2024 premium amount [Note 1]
June Premiums (Annual premium amount for FY2023 x 1/2 [Note 2] - April premium amount) / 2 [Note 3]
August Premiums (Annual premium amount for FY2023 x 1/2 [Note 2] - April premium amount) / 2 [Note 3]

[Note 1] As laws and regulations stipulate that the amount paid in April is the same as the amount paid in pension in February of the previous fiscal year, it cannot be changed.
[Note 2] Fractions less than 1 yen are rounded to the nearest yen.
[Note 3] Fractions less than 100 yen are rounded down.


 If you have any questions, please contact your ward office, Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section.

List of contact information for each ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section 
Click here for the ward office pageTELE-Mail address
Tsurumi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-510-1808、045-510-1809[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-411-7126、045-411-7125[email protected]
Nishi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-320-8475[email protected]
Naka Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-224-8313、045-224-8314[email protected]
Minami Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-341-1128[email protected]
Konan Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-847-8423、045-847-8426[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-334-6337[email protected]
Asahi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-954-6138[email protected]
Isogo Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-750-2428[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-788-7835、045-788-7836[email protected]
Kohoku Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-540-2349、045-540-2352[email protected]
Midori Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-930-2344[email protected]
Aoba Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-978-2431[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward   Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-948-2336[email protected]
Izumi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-800-2425[email protected]
Sakae Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-894-8425[email protected]
Totsuka Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-866-8445[email protected]
Seya Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section045-367-5732

[email protected]

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