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- About refund of medical care premium for elder senior citizens
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About refund of medical care premium for elder senior citizens
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
What is the refund of medical care premiums for seniors?
As a result of recalculating the medical care premium for the elderly due to transfer or death, if the premium falls or if the premium of the same delivery date is duplicated, the amount overpaid (malpractice payment) May occur. In the event of an incorrect payment, it will be returned to the insured or heir as a refund.
About procedure of refund of medical care premium for elder senior citizens
Those who are eligible for refund of late-elderly medical insurance premiums will be notified in the "Refund Notice for late-elderly medical insurance premiums". In addition, the “Notice of Refund for Medical Insurance for Elderly Seniors” includes the documents required for the procedure for receiving the refund (refund account transfer request form). Please fill in required items on the request form and return it in the enclosed reply envelope. (If you have already registered for fund transfer for payment of medical insurance for seniors, you do not need to complete the procedure.)
Please fill in the refund account transfer request form referring to the entry example below.
※Please be careful about fraudulent phone calls that pretend to be Yokohama City staff. We will not ask you to operate the ATM for refunds.
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Inquiries to this page
Medical Aid Division, Ministry of Life and Welfare, Health and Social Welfare Bureau
Phone: 045-671-4115
Phone: 045-671-4115
Fax: 045-664-0403
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 415-255-313