- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Living, procedures
- family register Tax and Insurance
- Notification and certification (family register, resident certificate, etc.)
- House indication
- Notifications and certifications related to house indications
- Procedures for changing Address, etc. due to the indication of residence
The text is from here.
Procedures for changing Address, etc. due to the indication of residence
Last updated on November 1, 2024.
With the indication of residence, procedures such as changing the Address will be required in the following cases:
- If you own real estate
- In the case of a corporation and its officers
- If you have a driver's license
- Users and owners of automobiles (excluding light motor vehicles) and motorcycles exceeding 250cc
- User and Owner of light motor vehicles
- Users and owners of motorcycles exceeding 125cc and less than 250cc
- If you have National Health Insurance
- If you have a certificate of the physically disabled
If you own real estate
Details of the procedure
Notification of address change of real estate owner
Legal Affairs Bureau in charge
required documents, etc.
- Certificate of change of residence indication (notice)
- Registration Application Form ※Please consult with the Legal Affairs Bureau about the form of registration application.
- private seal (seal)
Due date
You may also change the Address when you sell, inherit, or transfer land or buildings after the indication of residence.
- Please refer to your right certificate when listing the real estate. (It will be charged to issue a certificate of entry and a summary of entry.)
- Registration and license tax is exempt.
- If you share real estate, please press private seal under the joint name of the co-owner.
- An example of the registration application (PDF: 590KB) is listed in the "Bookmark" distributed one month before the implementation.
In the case of a corporation and its officers
Details of the procedure
Notification of address change of corporation and officer
Yokohama Legal Affaires Bureau Corporate Registration Division
required documents, etc.
- House Indication Change Certificate (House Indication Change Notice)
- Company change registration application
Due date
Head office within 2 weeks and branches within 3 weeks.
An example (PDF: 173KB) of the company change registration application is listed in the "Guide to Change Registration of Company / Corporation" distributed one month before the implementation.
If you have a driver's license
Details of the procedure
Notification of change in Address and permanent domicile of driver's license
Under the jurisdiction of police department, Driving Test Center
required documents, etc.
- House Indication Change Certificate (House Indication Change Notice)
- Notification of change of items described
- Driver's license
- “permanent domicile Correction Notice” (one per family register) sent by mail after the date of residence indication. Or "Certificate of Change of Land Name, etc." issued by the ward office Family Registry Division Family Registry Section
Due date
Immediately after implementation
- There is no charge.
- If proxy/agent is going to proceed, please bring a document that confirms the name of proxy/agent.
- If you have a permanent residence in family register, you will need to change the permanent domicile column.
- Example of notification of change of driver's license entry (PDF: 411KB)
Users and owners of automobiles (excluding light motor vehicles) and motorcycles exceeding 250cc
Details of the procedure
Change of information on automobile inspection certificate (change of Address)
Kanto Transport Bureau Kanagawa Transport Bureau
Location 3540, Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki-ku
Phone: 050-5540-2035
required documents, etc.
- House Indication Change Certificate (House Indication Change Notice)
- Application form (the application form is at the procedure)
- Vehicle inspection certificate
- private seal
Due date
Immediately after the indication of the house
User and Owner of light motor vehicles
Procedure details
Change of information on automobile inspection certificate (change of Address)
light motor vehicles Inspection Association Kanagawa Office
Location 770-1, Saedocho, Tsuzuki-ku
Phone: 050-3816-3118
required documents, etc.
- House Indication Change Certificate (House Indication Change Notice)
- Application form (the application form is at the procedure)
- Vehicle inspection certificate
- private seal
Due date
Normally, it can be done at the time of vehicle inspection or sale.
Users and owners of motorcycles exceeding 125cc and less than 250cc
Procedure details
Changes in information on the light motor vehicles Notification Certificate (Change in Address)
Kanto Transport Bureau Kanagawa Transport Bureau
Location 3540, Ikonobecho, Tsuzuki-ku
Phone: 050-5540-2035
required documents, etc.
- House Indication Change Certificate (House Indication Change Notice)
- Application form (the application form is at the procedure) ※Paper cost 40 yen
- light motor vehicles Notification Certificate
- Certificate of automobile liability insurance
- private seal
Due date
Immediately after the indication of the house
If you have National Health Insurance
It can be used as it is after the house indication is implemented. At the next renewal, we will send you an insured card stating the new Address.
Details of the procedure (procedures are not required in principle)
Change in Address of National Health Insurance Insured Card
Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section, ward office in your ward
required documents, etc.
National Health Insurance Insured Card
Due date
After the implementation, when the ward office where you live has to use it
If you have a certificate of the physically disabled
It can be used as it is after the house indication is implemented.
Details of the procedure
Change of Address in certificate of the physically disabled
Elderly and Disabled Support Division, ward office of your ward
required documents, etc.
Handbook for the Physically Disabled
Due date
After the implementation, when the ward office where you live has to use it
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Phone: 045-671-2320
Phone: 045-671-2320
Fax: 045-664-5295
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 808-851-224