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Last updated on September 29, 2023.

The text is from here.

City tobacco tax

What is City Tobacco Tax?

The city tobacco tax is for manufactured tobacco sold by tobacco manufacturers (Japan Tobacco Inc.), specified distributors (people who handle imports of foreign tobacco) or wholesale distributors to tobacco retailers in the city. , Taxes on Japan Tobacco Inc., specified distributors or wholesale distributors.


・Manufacturers of manufactured tobacco
・Specified distributors
・Wholesale distributors
(Supplement) Since the retail price of tobacco includes the city tobacco tax, it is the consumer who purchased the tobacco who actually pays the tax.

Tax return and tax payment

The tax amount calculated for tobacco sold by manufacturers of manufactured tobacco in the previous month will be declared and paid by the end of the following month.
In addition, electronic filing and electronic payment by eLTAX will be possible from October 16, 2023 (Monday).
Please use easy and convenient eLTAX when reporting and paying.
Please see the eLTAX web page (outside site) for how to do so.
[Reference] Electronic Reporting and Electronic Payment Leaflet (PDF: 875KB)

Reporting destination

Finance Bureau Corporate Taxation Division, Yokohama City Tobacco Tax
5th floor of Sangyo Boeki Cebter Bldg. Building, 2 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Phone  045-671-4481
FAX 045-210-0481
Reception hours: 8:45 am to 5:15 pm (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)

Tax calculation method

Number of manufactured tobacco sold, etc. x tax rate

Tax rate

●Tax rate (per 1,000 bottles)

Manufactured tobacco, etc.
Implementation periodCity tobacco tax
From October 1, 20216,552 yen

An image of a cigarette

Breakdown of tobacco tax One box of tobacco (in the case of 20 Motoiri 580 yen)
Tax typeTax amount
City tobacco tax131.04 yen (22.6%)
Prefectural tobacco tax21.40 yen (3.7%)
(national) tobacco tax136.04 yen (23.5%)
Special tobacco tax 16.40 yen (2.8%)
Consumption tax and local consumption tax52.73 yen (9.1%)
Total tax amount357.61 yen (61.7%)

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Inquiries to this page

Corporate Taxation Division, General Tax Department, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4481

Phone: 045-671-4481

Fax: 045-210-0481

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 138-150-050


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