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Application forms and guides (related to corporate municipal tax)

Last updated on October 17, 2024.

We can download payment notice of corporation municipal tax, report style (part) and guide of mention of report.


1. We do not provide all forms of declaration.
This page provides some forms and guides for the description. For forms that are not provided, please use those distributed at the submission destination (Finance Bureau Corporate Taxation Division, City Tax Section).

2 It is not possible to submit a report attached by e-mail.
Please submit the tax return to the destination (Finance Bureau Corporate Taxation Division, City Tax Section) by mail or bring it.

About file formats such as 3 styles
In principle, the form of the tax return and the guidance on the tax return are provided in PDF (Portable Document Format), but some forms are provided in Excel.
To view and print PDF files, Adobe Reader, which is distributed free of charge, is required. If you do not have it, download and install Adobe Reader (external site) from the Adobe Systems Incorporated site before using it.

4 Use plain paper for printing.
Please use A4 size white plain paper for the report style, guidance on the report, etc. Please note that if the size and printing surface are different, it may not be accepted. Please do not use thermal paper, backing paper, etc.

5 Please note the following points when printing the declaration form.
When printing the declaration form and the guide described in the declaration form, display the form on the screen and press the print button of Acrobat Reader. You cannot print the declaration form with the print button on the browser.

6 Please check the latest information.
Due to amendments to laws, ordinances, rules, etc., the form of the tax return and the guide on the tax return may be changed (revised), so if the tax return form and the guide on the tax return are reserved, Please check the information.

7 For inquiries regarding procedures, please contact the submission address of the report.
If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact the Finance Bureau Taxation Division City Tax Section in advance.

1.Thing about corporation municipal tax

・Payment slips, declarations, etc.
Form nameDownload of style
1 corporation municipal tax payment notice (style for exclusive use of Yokohama-shi)1-1 Corporate municipal tax payment notice (the eleventh style) (Excel: 98KB)
2. registration form for establishment, establishment, and transfer of corporations, etc.

2-1 Establishment and establishment of a corporation registration form (first style) (Excel: 175KB)
2-2 Establishment and establishment of a corporation registration form (first style) (PDF: 162KB)

2-3 Outline of establishment and establishment of registration form (PDF: 106KB)

2-4 Fiscal year, tax payment place, other changes, transfer registration form (No. 2 style) (Excel: 183KB)
2-5 Fiscal year, tax payment place, other changes, transfer registration form (No. 2 style) (PDF: 171KB)

2-6 Procedures for registration form (PDF: 87KB)

3 Report

3-1 Interim tax return based on final income tax return and provisional settlement (No. 20 style) (PDF: 332KB)

3-2 Schedule report (3 styles of the 20th) (PDF: 269KB)

3-3 Per capita rate report (3 styles of the 22nd) (PDF: 663KB)

4 Scheduled report

4-1 Statement (No. 20 style separate table 1) (PDF: 514KB) on the amount of corporate tax that became the tax base for corporations that were total corporations or corporations that were total corporations
4-2 Statement on the corporate tax rate of foreign corporations (No. 20, Schedule 1-2) (PDF: 83KB)
4-3 Statement on individual attributed corporate tax amount or corporate tax amount that becomes the tax base (No. 20 style separate table 1-3) (PDF: 732KB)
4-4 Statement about calculation of per capita rate (3 of the 20th style separate table 4) (PDF: 348KB)
4-5 Statement about calculation of tax credit when we spent specific donation (5 styles of No. 20 (PDF: 208KB)
4-6 Statement on division of taxation standard (2nd style of No. 22 (PDF: 401KB)

5 Guide to Description of Declaration Forms5-1 Guidance of mention such as each report of corporation municipal tax (PDF: 352KB)
6 Invoice for correction

6-1 Municipal tax correction bills such as corporations (for the fiscal year beginning after April 1, 2024) (4 styles of the tenth) (PDF: 258KB)
6-2 Municipal tax correction bills such as corporations (for the fiscal year beginning before April 1, 2024) (4 styles of the tenth) (PDF: 626KB)

7 Judgment table for profitable businesses of social welfare corporations, rehabilitation protection corporations, school corporations, etc.

7-1 Judgment table (PDF: 81KB) of profit business of social welfare corporation, rehabilitation protection corporation, school corporation, etc.
7-2 Procedures (PDF: 101KB) for judgment table of profit business of social welfare corporation, rehabilitation protection corporation, school corporation, etc.

8 City tax reduction application

8-1 Reduction of taxes application (the 24th style) such as city taxes (PDF: 118KB)
※Only public corporations that do not conduct profit-making business (NPO corporations, non-profit general incorporated associations, etc.) are eligible.

 Please note that the normal corporations such as companies are out of the reduction of taxes application concerned.

9 About change of reduction of taxes procedure9-1 Notice of Change of Reduction of Exemption Procedures (PDF: 187KB)

2. Submission address

・Submission of declarations, etc.

City Tax Section, Corporate Taxation Division, Finance Bureau, Yokohama
Address: 5F, Sangyo Boeki Cebter Bldg. Building 2, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8316, Japan
Phone: 045-671-4481
FAX: 045-210-0481
Open Hours: From 8:45 am to 5:15 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, holidays, and from December 29 to January 3)
※In addition, there is no private parking lot where night post at the time of closing and parking fee are reduced.

3. Related links

Municipal tax of corporations
Electronic filing of large corporations has become mandatory.

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Inquiries to this page

Corporate Taxation Division, General Tax Department, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4481

Phone: 045-671-4481

Fax: 045-210-0481

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 341-749-261


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