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Necessary expenses (deductions for employment income, deductions for public pensions, etc.) (taxed in FY2020)

(Note) This page describes the tax details for fiscal 2020. Click here for the details of taxation for fiscal 2021

Last updated on February 19, 2021.

For example, in the business income of store management, the purchase price of products, depreciation of business assets, and employee salaries are expenses for earning income, and such expenses are called necessary expenses.

In addition, if business management is run by a family company, the amount paid for the family etc. who exclusively engages there will be the necessary expenses, and the amount paid for the person who filed a blue tax return with income tax (Blue business full-time employee salary) is 500,000 yen for non-blue tax return (deduction for business full-time employees: 860,000 yen for spouses) is deducted from the spouse) as necessary expenses and deducted from the required expenses and deducted from the income.

For salary earners such as salaried workers, the deduction amount is calculated according to the amount of income as a substitute for necessary expenses as follows.

Amount of income and deductions, etc.
Amount of income from salaries, etc. Deduction of employment income (Note)
1,625,000 yen or less 650,000 yen
More than 1,625,000 yen 1,800,000 yen or less Amount of income from salaries, etc. x 40%
More than 1.8 million yen and less than 3.6 million yen Amount of income such as salary x 30% + 180,000 yen
More than 3.6 million yen and less than 6.6 million yen Amount of income such as salary x 20% + 540,000 yen
More than 6.6 million yen 10 million yen Amount of income such as salary x 10% + 1.2 million yen
More than 10 million yen 2.2 million yen (upper limit)

(Note) If the amount of income such as salary is less than 6.6 million yen, the actual salary income deduction will be the amount calculated by the table (legal data provision system) (outside site) in Appendix 5 of the Income Tax Law.
In addition, the upper limit of employment income deduction was changed from municipal tax, prefectural tax of 2018 to 2.2 million yen.

Deductions for specific expenditures

If the salary earner makes the following specific expenditures (1) to (6), the total amount of the specific expenditures for that year will be determined according to the categories in the table below. If the amount exceeds the amount, you can further deduct the excess amount from the employment income amount after deduction of employment income by declaring.
In addition, specific expenditures are limited to those certified by the payer, and along with the payer's certificate, a certificate on boarding, boarding, boarding, and a document certifying the amount spent is required.
In addition, if there is a part to be compensated by the payer and the part to be compensated is not taxed, the part to be compensated will be excluded from the specific expenditure.

Deductions for specific expenditures
Amount of income from salaries, etc. Amount used as the basis for determining the application of the specified expenditure deduction
Uniformity 1/2 of employment income deductions

(1) Expenditures for commuting that are normally deemed necessary as a general commuter (commuting expenses)
(2) Expenditures that are normally deemed necessary for relocation due to relocation (relocation expenses)
(3) Expenditures to receive training for the purpose of acquiring skills and knowledge directly necessary for work (training expenses)
(4) Expenditures for acquiring qualifications directly required for duties (qualification acquisition costs)
(5) In the case of single transfer, etc., expenses normally required for travel between the person's place of work or whereabouts and home (return travel expenses)
(6) The following expenditures (if the total amount of the expenditures exceeds 650,000 yen, expenditures up to 650,000 yen are limited to expenditures up to 650,000 yen) that are directly necessary for the performance of the person's duties Those certified by payers such as salaries (work required expenses)
(A) Expenses for purchasing books, periodicals and other books related to their duties (book expenses)
B. Costs for purchasing uniforms, office uniforms, work clothes, and other clothes that need to be worn in work locations (clothing costs)
(C) Expenses for entertainment, entertainment, and other similar activities for entertainment, offerings, gifts, and other similar activities for the payer's customer, supplier, or other person who is related to duties, such as salary (expenses, etc.)

Deductions for public pension, such as Employee Pension Plan (Kosei Nenkin) and Public Employees Mutual Aid Pensions, are calculated based on age and income as a substitute for necessary expenses.

Income and deductions from public pension, etc.
Age Proceeds from public pension, etc. Deductions for public pensions
Under 65 years old Less than 1.3 million yen 700,000 yen
1.3 million yen or more and less than 4.1 million yen Amount of income x 25% + 375,000 yen
4.1 million yen or more and less than 7.7 million yen Amount of income x 15% + 785,000 yen
7.7 million yen or more Amount of income x 5% + 1.555 million yen
65 years old or older Less than 3.3 million yen 1.2 million yen
3.3 million yen or more and less than 4.1 million yen Amount of income x 25% + 375,000 yen
4.1 million yen or more and less than 7.7 million yen Amount of income x 15% + 785,000 yen
7.7 million yen or more Amount of income x 5% + 1.555 million yen

※Those who are 65 years old or older are those born before January 1, 1955 in the 2020 tax.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact each ward office.

Tax Division City Tax Section, each ward office
Ward OfficeWindowTELE-Mail address
Aoba Ward55th floor on the 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office045-978-2241[email protected]
Asahi Ward28th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building045-954-6043[email protected]
Izumi Ward304, 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office045-800-2351[email protected]
Isogo Ward34th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor045-750-2352[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward325 on the 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building045-411-7041[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward304, 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office045-788-7744[email protected]
Konan Ward31st floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor045-847-8351[email protected]
Kohoku Ward31st floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor045-540-2264[email protected]
Sakae Ward30th floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building045-894-8350[email protected]
Seya Ward33rd floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor045-367-5651[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  34th floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor045-948-2261[email protected]
Tsurumi WardNo. 2 on the 4th floor of Tsurumi Ward Office045-510-1711[email protected]
Totsuka Ward72th floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor045-866-8351[email protected]
Naka Ward43rd floor on the 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main Building045-224-8191[email protected]
Nishi Ward44th floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor045-320-8341[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward26th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building045-334-6241[email protected]
Midori Ward35th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor045-930-2261[email protected]
Minami Ward33rd floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor045-341-1157[email protected]

Inquiries to this page

Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2253

Phone: 045-671-2253

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 878-583-671


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