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Nishi Ward Tax Division

Last updated on December 12, 2018.


1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Nishi Ward Office 4th floor

Major Operations and Contacts

City Tax Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Declaration and taxation of city and prefectural tax

TEL: 045-320-8341
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 44th floor on the 4th floor

Taxation of light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei)

※For inquiries about motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei), please contact the Kanagawa Prefectural motor vehicle tax (jidosha-zei) Management Office.

TEL: 045-320-8347
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 44th floor on the 4th floor

Land Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Valuation and taxation of fixed assets (land) (property tax, city planning tax)
Viewing copies of tax books and official maps

TEL: 045-320-8349・045-320-8350
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 43rd floor on the 4th floor

In charge of house

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Valuation and taxation of fixed assets (houses) (property tax, city planning tax)

TEL: 045-320-8354・045-320-8355・045-320-8356
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 43rd floor on the 4th floor

Tax Receipt Section

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Payment and tax payment consultation of city tax

TEL: 045-320-8361
Fax: 045-322-2670
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 46th floor on the 4th floor

Tax certificate issuance window

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Issuance of City / Prefectural Tax Tax Certificate

TEL: 045-320-8341
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 45th floor on the 4th floor

Registration of motorized bicycles and small special vehicles, etc.

※The temporary license plate is loaned to General Affairs Division.

TEL: 045-320-8347
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 45th floor on the 4th floor

Issuance of fixed assets evaluation certificates, public dues certificates, etc.
Issuance of residential house certificate (existing house certificate)

※The new residential house certificate is issued by the City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau Information and Consultation Section.

TEL: 045-320-8349・045-320-8350
Fax: 045-320-1713
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 45th floor on the 4th floor

Issuance of tax payment certificates

TEL: 045-320-8361
Fax: 045-322-2670
E-Mail address [email protected]
Contact: 45th floor on the 4th floor

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-320-8341

Phone: 045-320-8341

Fax: 045-320-1713

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 114-484-951

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