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- About Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi synthesis Government building and Futatsu Bridge Park maintenance business
- Seya-ku, Yokohama City General Government Building and Futatsu Bridge Park Maintenance Project
The text is from here.
Seya-ku, Yokohama City General Government Building and Futatsu Bridge Park Maintenance Project
Last updated on September 26, 2024.
It's the first time in Yokohama! We perform ward Government building maintenance in PFI business! ~
Since its completion in May 1971, the Seya Ward Government Building has fulfilled its mission as a base for providing various administrative services in Seya Ward.
However, the facilities have become obsolete after 37 years of construction, and the administrative services provided by the ward office have expanded and diversified with the times, so the business space has been narrowed and parking lots have been reduced. It is a situation that is lacking.
In addition, the adjacent Futatsu Bridge Park is aging, including playground equipment, and along with the ward government building, it is necessary to rebuild it as a facility that supports barrier-free and meets the needs of the era when universal design is desired is needed.
In city, we perform rebuilding of ward synthesis Government building and area change of park facility and redevelopment integrally to improve such situation and plan improvement of quality and realization of facility adapted to the times when we offer administrative service I decided to do it.
In addition, the maintenance will be implemented as a project based on the PFI Law.
We have concluded a specific business contract!
Please refer to the Seya Ward General Affairs Division "Seya Ward Government Building and Futatsu Bridge Park Maintenance Project" page for progress after the business contract.
■ Announced on December 16, 2008 [NEW]
- Conclusion of specific business contracts
- Conclusion of Specific Business Contracts
■ Announced on October 6, 2008
- [Republic notice] Review and Review
- [Republic notice] Review comment (page 21) (PDF: 270KB)
■ Announced on September 9, 2008
- [Republic notice] Determination of the winning bidder
- Regarding the determination of the winning bidder
■ Announced on June 26, 2008
- [Republic notice] Correction of supplementary materials for question and answer regarding bid manuals, etc.
※We will revise and publish the materials published on June 17, 2008.
■ Announced on June 17, 2008
- Answer to questions regarding bid manuals, etc. [Republic notice] (2nd)
- [Republic notice] Question answer (the second) about bid manuals (page 17) (PDF: 273KB)
- [Republic notice] Question Answer Supplementary Materials 1 (Effective Answers in the past) (page 6) (PDF: 189KB)
- [Republic notice] Question Answer Supplementary Material 2 (Question Answer 1st Answer Postscript) (page 3) (PDF: 121KB)
- Changes in bid manuals, etc. [Republic notice] (2nd)
- [Republic notice] Bid manual change comparison table (page 6) (PDF: 344KB)
- [Republic notice] Bid manual [revised version] (page 42) (PDF: 377KB)
- [Republic notice] Requirement standard document [revised version] (page 111) (PDF: 663KB)
- [Republic notice] Attachment of the required standard [Revised version]
- [Republic notice] Collection of Forms [Revised Version]
- [Republic notice] Specific business temporary contract (draft) [revised version] (page 88) (PDF: 485KB)
■ Announced on April 22, 2008
- Answer to questions regarding bid manuals, etc. [Republic notice] (1st)
- [Republic notice] Question answer about bid manuals (the first) (page 18) (PDF: 270KB)
- Changes in bid manuals, etc. [Republic notice]
- [Republic notice] Bid manual change comparison table (page 7) (PDF: 449KB)
[Republic notice] Bid manual [revised version] (page 42) (PDF: 381KB)
[Republic notice] Requirement standard document [revised version] (page 111) (PDF: 673KB)
[Republic notice] Attachment of the required standard [Revised version]
[Republic notice] Style (Excel) [Revised version] (Excel: 247KB)
[Republic notice] Specific business temporary contract (draft) [revised version] (page 87) (PDF: 976KB)
■ Announced on February 19, 2008
- Tender Notice / Tender-related Materials [Republic Notice]
- [Republic notice] Tender Notice (Yokohama City Procurement Notice No. 64)
- [Republic notice] Bid manual (page 42) (PDF: 655KB)
- [Republic notice] Requirement Standard Book (page 111) (PDF: 1,448KB)
- [Republic notice] Attachment of the required standard
- [Republic notice] Successful bidder determination standard text / attached sheet (page 13) (PDF: 360KB)
- [Republic notice] Collection of Styles
- [Republic notice] Basic agreement (draft) (page 10) (PDF: 220KB)
- [Republic notice] Specific business provisional contract (draft) text / attachment (page 87) (PDF: 1,665KB)
- [Republic notice] Selection of specific business (page 8) (PDF: 192KB)
About acceptance of question, opinion about bid manuals
※Inquiries regarding materials will be accepted only by e-mail.
■ Announced on December 19, 2007
- Review and Review
- Review review (page 25) (PDF: 598KB)
■ Announced on December 11, 2007
- Loss of bid participation qualification of the best proposer
- Loss of bid participation qualification of the best proposer
■ Announced on September 11, 2007
- Answers to questions regarding bid manuals, etc. (2nd)
- Question answer (the second) about bid manuals (page 15) (PDF: 243KB)
- Changes in bid manuals, etc.
- Bid manual change comparison table (the second) (page 6) (PDF: 456KB)
- Bid manual text / Attachment [Revised version] (page 47) (PDF: 1,190KB)
- Requirement standard document [revised version] (page 104) (PDF: 1,396KB)
- Attachment of the required standard [Revised version/Addition]
- Collection of Forms [Revised Version]
- Specific business temporary contract (draft) [revised version] (page 81) (PDF: 1,770KB)
■ Announced on July 18, 2007
- Partial revision of the tender manual [revised version]
- Bid manual [revised version] Partial revision (1 page) (PDF: 91KB)
■ Announced on June 19, 2007
- Answer to questions regarding bid manuals, etc.
- Question answer about bid manuals (page 52) (PDF: 1,504KB)
- Changes in bid manuals, etc.
- Bid manual change comparison table (page 26) (PDF: 501KB)
- Bid manual text / Attachment [Revised version] (page 49) (PDF: 1,192KB)
- [Revised version] (page 104) (PDF: 1,400KB)
- Attachment of the required standard [Change / Addition]
- Basic agreement (draft) [revised version] (page 10) (PDF: 224KB)
- Specific business temporary contract (draft) [revised version] (page 82) (PDF: 1,770KB)
■ Announced on June 1, 2007
- About change of member of PFI business examination committee
- About change of PFI business examination committee member (page 1) (PDF: 94KB)
■ Announced on May 21, 2007
- Partial revision of the tender manual
- Partial revision of bid manual (1 page) (PDF: 95KB)
■ Announced on May 8, 2007
- Tender announcement / bid-related materials
- Tender notice (Yokohama City Procurement Notice No. 109) (PDF: 590KB)
- Bid manual text / Attachment (page 47) (PDF: 1,183KB)
- Requirement standard document (page 104) (PDF: 1,389KB)
- Attachment of the required standard
- Successful bidder determination standard text / attached sheet (page 14) (PDF: 342KB)
- Collection of Styles
- Basic agreement (draft) (page 10) (PDF: 223KB)
- Specific business temporary contract (draft) (page 82) (PDF: 1,779KB)
■ Announced on April 23, 2007
- Answers to questions and opinions regarding the required standard (draft)
- Questions and answers regarding the required standard (draft) (page 5) (PDF: 126KB)
- Questions and answers regarding the required standard (draft) Attachment (page 2) (PDF: 76KB)
- Answer to opinions on the required standard (draft) (page 2) (PDF: 69KB)
■ Announced on February 28, 2007
- Selection and Requirement Standard for Specific Business (draft)
- Selection of specific business (page 6) (PDF: 187KB)
- Requirement standard (draft) (page 103) (PDF: 1,381KB)
- Required Standard (draft) Attachment
- Acceptance of questions and opinions regarding the required standard (draft)
- Questionnaire (page 1) on Form 1 Requirement Standard (draft) (Excel: 20KB)
- Statement of opinion (page 1) on style 2 requirements standard (draft) (Excel: 20KB)
- Form 3 Questionnaire on the required standard (draft) Attachment (page 1) (Excel: 20KB)
- Form 4 Statement of Opinion on Attachment (draft) Attachment (page 1) (Excel: 20KB)
■ Announced on January 19, 2007
- Answers to questions and opinions regarding the implementation policy
- Questions and answers on the implementation policy (page 28) (PDF: 292KB)
- Answer to opinions on the implementation policy (page 8) (PDF: 182KB)
■ Announced on December 8, 2006
- Implementation Policy
- Full text (23 pages of text, 7 pages of attachment) (PDF: 1,194KB)
- Form 1 Local Tour Application Form (1 page) (Excel: 15KB)
- Questionnaire about style 2 implementation policy (page 1) (Excel: 20KB)
- Statement of Position on Style 3 Implementation Policy (page 1) (Excel: 20KB)
■ Local briefings before the implementation policy was formulated
- Handouts at the 1st Local Briefing (held on February 27 and March 6, 2005) (PDF: 94KB)
- Handouts at the 3rd Local Briefing (July 24, 2005) (PDF: 188KB)
- ※No materials were distributed at the 2nd local briefing session (held on May 22, 2005)
- Summary of Question Answers at Local Briefings (PDF: 86KB)
- ● Review Committee [Summary of the 9th and 10th Minutes Announced on October 20, 2008]
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Inquiries to this page
Regional Facilities Division, Civic Affairs Bureau Ward Administration Support Department
Phone: 045-671-2326
Phone: 045-671-2326
Fax: 045-664-5295
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 515-378-896