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Human rights violations caused by the Internet, etc.

Last updated on January 17, 2024.

The Internet has evolved from information collection tools to communication tools, and the convenience of the Internet has greatly increased, as anyone can easily transmit information. On the other hand, abuse of the Internet and human rights violations such as slander or insult of others, irresponsible rumors, unauthorized posting of information about the privacy of specific individuals and discriminatory writing have become social issues.
Unlike other media, human rights violations on the Internet are difficult to communicate anonymously and easily, and to rapidly expand the damage because the content once published is quickly spread. I am.

To prevent human rights violations on the Internet…
・Do not write content that slanders others
・Don't write discriminatory remarks
・Don't write uncertain information easily
・Do not write information related to the privacy of others
・Be aware that writing may be seen by an unspecified number of people.

(Government Public Relations Online "Beware of Human Rights Violations on the Internet!" Excerpt from)

Consultation desk in case of damage

This is a guide map of the consultation desk in case of damage such as slander on the Internet. Please contact the consultation desk according to your wishes.

Consultation on writing on the Internet

Inquiries to this page

Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division

Phone: 045-671-2718

Phone: 045-671-2718

Fax: 045-681-5453

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 990-538-616


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