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- "Revised version of Yokohama City Basic Guidelines for Human Rights Measures" (revised in FY2021)
The text is from here.
"Revised version of Yokohama City Basic Guidelines for Human Rights Measures" (revised in FY2021)
We revised "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline" in March, 2022.
Last updated on December 19, 2023.
Overview of Yokohama City Human Rights Measures Basic Guidelines
The "Yokohama City Human Rights Measures Basic Guidelines" was formulated in 1998 for all measures and projects in Yokohama City to promote comprehensive and systematic promotion of municipal administration and human rights measures based on respect for human rights.
We show basic way of thinking to promote all measures, business of Motoichi from viewpoint of respect for human rights and overall picture of human rights measure and approach to concrete human rights problem and are citizen, local group, company We call on the significance of this and promote efforts to respect human rights throughout society.
Revised edition of Yokohama City Human Rights Policy Basic Guidelines (FY2021)
Detailed version
Cover of the detailed version
In March 2022, we revised the "Yokohama City Human Rights Policy Basic Guidelines".
A summary version booklet will be distributed at each ward office, citizen information center, Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division, etc. from early April. In addition, a detailed version of the booklet will be distributed.
Detailed version (full text)
"Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revised edition" (revised in 2021) (PDF: 3,493KB)
Summary Version
Overview Cover
- "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revised edition" summary version (PDF: 1,307KB)
- "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revised edition" summary version (text version) (text file: 20KB)
Summary Version (multilingual Version)
English (English)
- "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revised edition" summary version (English) (PDF: 4,698KB)
- "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revised edition" summary version (English) (text version) (text file: 35KB)
[Chinese (Simplified)]
[Hangul (Hangul)]
[Easy Japanese]
[Audio Version]
- Chapter 1 Positioning of Basic Guidelines on Human Rights Measures (Music File (MP3): 6,595KB)
- Chapter 2 Concept of Promoting Human Rights Measures (Music File (MP3): 1,292KB)
- Chapter 3 Initiatives for Promotion of Human Rights Measures (Music File (MP3): 1,930KB)
- Chapter 4 Efforts to Various Human Rights Issues (Music File (MP3): 12,481KB)
- Chapter 5 Promotion System for Human Rights Measures (Music File (MP3): 4,936KB)
Conduct result of "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline revision draft" public comment (citizen opinion offer)
About citizen opinion offer [finished]
Approximately five years have passed since the last revision, and the guidelines have been revised to recognize new human rights issues associated with the spread of the Internet and SNS, and to respond to changes in the social situation surrounding human rights, such as the development of laws on human rights. I will do it.
As we gathered revision draft on revision, we raise opinions of citizen's all of you.
Opinion solicitation period
From Thursday, September 30, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021 (must arrive)
Revised draft
Detailed version
Detailed version (full text)
Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline (revised draft) full text (PDF: 2,422KB)
Summary Version
Cover of the revised draft (summary version)
Distribution and distribution of revised drafts
The arrangement of detailed and Braille versions (summary version)
Detailed and Braille versions (summary version) can be viewed at Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section, Citizen Information Center and Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division.
Distribution of summary version
A summary version is distributed at Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section, Citizen Information Center, Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division, Chuo-toshokan, City Library and Gender Equality Center.
How to submit your opinion
- Address or Location
- Name or group name (furigana)
- Opinion to "Yokohama-shi human rights measure basic guideline (revised draft)"
Submission method
- Mailing
- Facsimile
- Electronic Application System
- We perform publication of way of thinking of Motoichi for opinion that we had with publication of opinion offer result.
- Please note that we do not accept comments over the phone or respond individually to comments.
- The content of your opinion may be disclosed, except for personal information such as name and facsimile number.
- Personal information such as names and Address attached to your opinion will be properly managed in accordance with the Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information in Yokohama City, and will be used only for work related to soliciting opinions on this proposal.
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Inquiries to this page
Civic Affairs Bureau Human Rights Division
Phone: 045-671-2718
Phone: 045-671-2718
Fax: 045-681-5453
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 337-142-481