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Here's a list of books published in Naka Library. Click the headline to display the list (pdf file).

Last updated on July 2, 2024.

For the general public

It is a resume distributed in a story-telling course at Saniku Kindergarten.
Points for reading stories and book lists are posted.

This is a list distributed at the "Y.S.C. Lecture" Aiming for a Local Rooted Soccer Club "".
Introducing the books of soccer players and books that can be familiar with soccer.

This is a list distributed during the panel exhibition "Shou Goro and Honmoku-Artists related to Naka Ward".
This book contains books to learn about Shugoro Yamamoto, who wrote in Honmoku, and works by Shugoro Yamamoto.

"Hello! This book was introduced in a book talk for the general public at the World Country-U.K. Ireland.

For elementary school student

Hello! This book was introduced in a book talk for elementary school student conducted in the countries of the world-U.K. Ireland.

It was introduced at Honmoku Mocktei, a rakugo event for children.
There are picture books with rakugo, kamishibai, stories about rakugo, books to study rakugo, etc.

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