

The text is from here.

For those who are considering donating to the Yokohama Dream Fund

Last updated on January 17, 2025.

I want to donate to the "Citizens' Activities Promotion Fund"! If you think that, please apply for a donation first.
Please note that the application method differs depending on the payment method.

[* How to use donations]
About "registered group subsidy" which is one of the utilization destinations of donation, we change examination standards from the first in 2024.
For details, please refer to the application guidelines (next page).
About recruitment of Yokohama dream fund registration group grant application

[* About donation amount desired to be used for groups]
・When it was not issued as a grant for five years from the following fiscal year of the fiscal year to which Yokohama City accepted the donation, the method of utilization is regarded as the amount of the donation that has not been specified. This operation will begin on January 1, 2024.
・Currently, unutilized donations will be treated in the same way from January 1, 2024 (if they were not issued as a subsidy by March 31, 2029, the method of utilization will be The amount of donations that have not been specified).

Please be careful!
A site has been found that pretends to be treating your hometown tax payment at a discount.
Please note that there are not relations with the hometown tax to Yokohama-shi at all.
In addition, from June 1, 2019, we do not send return goods about contribution to Motoichi from one living in Yokohama-shi.

Link in the page


About application of donation hope designation destination (target: one donated from oldness and tax payment portal site)

  Those who have donated from the hometown tax payment portal site to the Yokohama Dream Fund and who are designated as "fields" or "groups" as donation utilization destinations, after payment of the donation has been completed, [Be sure to apply for the electronic application system form linked below.

※Please apply after you have completed the donation payment on the hometown tax payment portal site.
※Please apply within 30 days after the payment is completed. If there is no application even after 30 days, it will be donated to the entire fund as [no hope].
※About donation of group designation, when it was not issued as grant for five years from the next fiscal year of the fiscal year to which Yokohama-shi accepted donation, we assume method of utilization as sum of donation which is not appointed , And donate to the whole fund.

[Those who need to apply]
 Only one of the following 1 or 2 can be selected.
 ①Those who are designated to use the donation "field"
 ②Those who wish to use the donation "group"

Electronic Application Form: Designation of organization that wants to use donation or field that wants to use (outside site)

How to apply for donations

In the case of payment by credit card, please apply from oldness and tax payment portal site (application of contribution to Yokohama-shi).
※We cannot accept applications by mail. Please apply from your hometown tax payment portal site.
※From September 2023, the hometown tax payment portal site has been added.

Please apply using one of the following methods.
[How to apply for payment by payment slip]
①Please enter required items directly in the following application form and submit it.
Donation application form (Yokohama dream fund donation [for payment notice payment]) (outside site)

②Please fill in the "Application for Donation" with required items, mail it to the department in charge below, send it to the fax number below, and send it to the e-mail address below.
You can download the application form here.

※In addition, the above-mentioned "designation of group that wants to use donation or field that wants to use (only hometown tax payment portal site payment)" is
[Unnecessary] Please note that does it in this.

<Address of donation application>
City of Yokohama, Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Collaboration Promotion Division Yokohama Dream Fund
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
TEL: 045-671-4734
Fax: 045-223-2032
E-mail: [email protected]

Please be careful!
A site has been found that pretends to be treating your hometown tax payment at a discount.
Please note that there are not relations with the hometown tax to Yokohama-shi at all.

In addition, from June 1, 2019, we do not send return goods about contribution to Motoichi from one living in Yokohama-shi.

Payment by credit card, etc. using the Internet

I would like application, payment in oldness and tax payment portal site (application of contribution to Yokohama-shi).
※From September 2023, the hometown tax payment portal site has been added.

Notes on payment by credit card
 ※ If the donation amount is less than 2,000 yen, it cannot be used.
    If you would like to donate less than 2,000 yen, please use the payment slip.
※1.Please note that receipts cannot be reissued.
※2.You will need a receipt or donation receipt certificate to receive the deduction, so please save it in a safe place.

Payment of payment notices at financial institutions

After application, we mail payment notice (transfer paper) and thank-you letter from Yokohama-shi.
Please donate at designated banks and financial institutions such as Japan Post Bank (stores and post offices in Kanagawa, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, and Yamanashi). (There is no charge.)

  • If you wish, we will send you a return gift. (Only individuals living outside Yokohama City)
  • We will announce the status of the fund, including the amount of donations, on our website. (The name of the person who donated, the name of the company / organization will also be announced if desired.)

※From June 1, 2019, the Local Tax Law was revised, and the operation of the "Hometown Tax Payment System" was partially changed. .
About contribution to Motoichi from one living in Yokohama-shi, we do not send return goods.
We will announce the status of the fund, including the amount of donations, on our website.

  Regardless of the payment method, individuals living outside the city who donated a certain amount or more will be required.
 Depending on your wishes, we will send you return items directly from each company contracted with Yokohama City.
 Please note that the personal information of the donor will be provided to each business operator to the extent necessary for shipping etc.
 Please refer to this page for details of return items.

In the case of an individual

Donation to Yokohama-shi citizen collaboration fund (Yokohama dream fund) can receive donation deduction by "hometown tax payment system".
In order to receive tax deductions, you must file a final tax return at the tax office or submit a one-stop special application.
※In the case of final tax return, a receipt (in the case of payment form payment) or a receipt certificate (in the case of credit card payment, etc.) is required.
※Both receipts and receipt certificates will not be reissued, so please keep them in a safe place.

For more information, please refer to the following page.
Tax deductions
Reference: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage "donation tax system of personal residence tax such as oldness and tax payment" (outside site)

In the case of a corporation

Under the corporate tax law, the entire amount may be included in deductibles.
Please attach a receipt (payment form payment) or a receipt certificate (credit card payment, etc.).

For those who want to donate to social contribution activities instead of "returning incense" to incense books sent to funerals, we will guide you on how to donate to the "Yokohama Dream Fund". .

About donation of incense

If you donate to the "Yokohama Dream Fund" instead of the "Return of incense", if you wish, we will prepare a thank-you card (all postcard size) and envelope of the owner and the mayor of Yokohama for necessary number of sheets . For more information, please contact us.

  • Sample thank-you card (greeting from the owner)

This is a sample of a thank-you card with a greeting from the owner who handed it to the person who donated the incense.

  • Sample thank-you card (Rebun, the name of the mayor of Yokohama)

It is a sample of a thank-you card with the name of the mayor of Yokohama to hand over to those who donated incense.

When the funeral is completed

If you would like to donate, please contact the City of Yokohama, Civic Affairs Bureau Citizens' Collaboration Promotion Section, Yokohama Dream Fund.
 Contact information
 TEL: 045-671-4734
 Email: [email protected]

About donation application

Please fill in the "Application Form" with your name, Address, contact information, donation amount, etc. required items. Alternatively, you can enter directly using the "Donation Application Form".

Destination of "donation application"
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
City of Yokohama, Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Collaboration Promotion Division Yokohama Dream Fund
TEL: 045-671-4734 FAX: 045-223-2032 Email: [email protected]

Payment of donations

・If you choose to pay a payment slip at a financial institution, you will receive a payment slip, a thank-you note, etc. directly from each company contracted with Yokohama City.
Please apply at a nearby financial institution such as a bank or post office using the “payment slip”. (There is no charge.)
・Please note that the personal information of the donor will be provided to each business operator to the extent necessary for shipping etc.
・If you wish to pay the donation by credit card, please apply and settle from [Hometown Tax Payment Portal Site] (application for donation to Yokohama City).
※From September 2023, the hometown tax payment portal site has been added.
※If you donate from a person living in Yokohama city or a corporation or organization, we will not send you return items.
Please apply from "donation without thank-you items" on the hometown tax payment portal site.
※If you use a credit card, please note that applications by mail etc. are not accepted.

We examine donation that we had in citizen collaboration promotion committee and social movement administration support project sectional meeting, and Yokohama-shi decides the furtherance destination and the amount of the furtherance.
We will respect your will in the examination of the destination you wish to use, but it may not always be as desired.
Also, please note that donations cannot be returned even if they do not meet your wishes.

[* How to use donations]
About "registered group subsidy" which is one of the utilization destinations of donation, we change examination standards from the first in 2024.
For details, please refer to the application guidelines (next page).
About recruitment of Yokohama dream fund registration group grant application

[* About donation amount desired to be used for groups]
・When it was not issued as a grant for five years from the following fiscal year of the fiscal year to which Yokohama City accepted the donation, the method of utilization is regarded as the amount of the donation that has not been specified. This operation will begin on January 1, 2024.
・Currently, unutilized donations will be treated in the same way from January 1, 2024 (if they were not issued as a subsidy by March 31, 2029, the method of utilization will be The amount of donations that have not been specified).

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Inquiries to this page

Civic Affairs Bureau Regional Support Department Citizen Collaboration Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-4734

Phone: 045-671-4734

Fax: 045-223-2032

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 298-345-414


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