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Yokohama Home Education Support "Hamako Child Care" QA

Last updated on December 22, 2023.

~ Tips in case of trouble ~

When you have a problem with your child, it is important not to hold it alone.
Let's think while consulting with family, school, government, other consulting organizations, and other people around you.
Please refer to the QA's answer.

Q What preparations are needed to enter elementary school?

A For both children and adults, the new environment is fun and anxious. Let's talk to your child little by little before enrollment so that you can enjoy a new life. If you have time, go to the school and check the situation to make a concrete image. It is also effective to walk along the school road together.
In schools, there are many activities in groups such as learning and school lunch. Sociality such as giving up and cooperating is also necessary, so please consider the necessity of keeping the order at home and giving it to people.
What should be prepared before entering elementary school will be discussed at the elementary school entrance briefing. Prepare the necessary items with your child according to the elementary school explanation.

Q What preparations are needed for admission to junior high school?

A When you become a junior high school, you may be anxious and confused because the teacher you teach changes depending on the subject and some students meet for the first time. Please stay close to your child's feelings and listen carefully to your anxiety. Take your child's feelings and try to speak warmly. By seeing junior high school students at local events before enrollment, you may be able to have expectations, feel closer, or imagine yourself becoming a junior high school student.
In addition, club activities can make friends with different classes, and learn the importance of sharing goals, including seniors and juniors. If your child wants to do club activities, it is important to do it first. Watch your child carefully and discuss it as needed.

I'm worried about my class friendship. It seems to be getting along with a child with a different sense of money, a child with a different way of playing and values.

A Relationship with friends is a good opportunity for children to learn about different values from themselves. First of all, let's listen to the feelings of the child without being caught up by the evaluation of the surrounding adults. The child may be able to see the good side of the child. As an adult, it is also important to determine the rules that must be followed specifically, follow each other's rules, trust and watch over. Inviting children's friends to the home or talking with parents of their friends as parents can also lead to mutual understanding. However, if your child has a hard time, don't hold it at home and consult a school or consulting agency as soon as possible.

Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Q It seems that children fought each other, how should I get involved?

A First of all, let's listen carefully to the story of the child and the thoughts of the child. Basically, for the child's own experience, if the child can solve it, the child should solve it. Adults should help their children find solutions. A small stumbling of human relationships is a great learning opportunity to grow.
Also, it's important to believe in a child, but sometimes it's not all about the truth due to various circumstances of the child. I think there is a feeling of upset as an adult, but let's listen to the child warmly while thinking about the objective situation.
If the content of the fight is related to the entire class or if multiple children are involved, it may be necessary to check the facts with the school or consult with others. Look closely at your child and decide whether you just need to watch over or if you need specific help.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Q I don't seem to be eager to study.

A If you feel that you need to study, you will be able to work on your own. It's also important to make your study fun. Children may work hard on what they like. Look closely at your child and when you start studying, give your attitude a lot. It is important to interact with children with awareness of raising children's self-affirmation. It is a lifetime asset for a child to acquire knowledge and to be able to grow himself. Sometimes, it may also be necessary to discuss why you think you need to study. However, there are things that everyone is not good at. Instead of forcibly studying, talk to your school homeroom teacher and people around you about a method that suits your child.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Q The teacher in charge told me that a first-year elementary school child could not sit in the classroom.

A At home, you may not spend a long time sitting in one place, like class time. Without experience, you may be restless immediately after you enter elementary school, but don't emotionally scold, but gently explain why you need that action so that your child can understand. If you get used to the environment, you will calm down. If you are not calm after a while, the characteristics of the child's birth may also be related. Talk to a school nurse, a full-time teacher for elementary school student, or a school counselor.
If you have any concerns about your child before enrolling, consult your consulting organization as soon as possible without worrying about your home alone so that you can get personalized support as soon as possible.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Special support education consultation (school where your child attends)
Regional nursing center

Q A child in the upper grades of elementary school (junior high school students) seems to be standing in the classroom during class and is in trouble.

A There are various causes of the behavior of "standing and walking", such as relationships with friends and learning issues. Don't hold it at home, talk to your homeroom teacher, elementary school student support teacher, student guidance teacher, school counselor, etc. The school may guide you to the appropriate consultation. It is important to share information with the school and respond carefully.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Special support education consultation (school where your child attends)
Regional nursing center (elementary school students)
Support for children with late school age (junior high school students)

Q I'm having trouble complimenting and scolding children. There are times when you scold.

It is by no means effective to use corporal punishment for discipline. If you scold emotionally, your child may have a positive reaction and have a negative effect. Also, when an adult becomes emotional, the child also learns to be emotional. Let's devise ways that don't rely on emotions. Discipline is a time-consuming one. When you do something that you can't do, it is necessary to devise a response method depending on the age and characteristics of the child, but first of all, frankly, "Do not do that" and "I do not want you to do that" Let's tell in words. Also, if you look closely at the child and find that you have worked hard or worked hard, tell them "Wow" or "I'm happy." You don't need to take overdoing measures such as calming or complimenting, and you may want to convey your feelings of being happy as an adult. Please refer to page of Motoichi homepage "for child care not depend on corporal punishment".
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)
Telephone elementary school student Counseling Room
Child Consultation Center

Q I was told that I wanted some pocket money.

A Before giving your pocket money, talk at home about what you need. For example, let's clarify how to use your pocket money in advance, such as whether to buy stationery used at school from your pocket money. Considering how to use it, the amount required will also be determined. In addition, there are various ways of handing over, such as giving a fixed amount every month or giving it as a reward for helping. Choose a method that is suitable for your home and learn the importance of money, plan and spend money through a pocketbook or piggy bank.

Q The state of the child may be bullying different from usual

A First of all, if your child talks, listen carefully to your child. . Regardless of what happens, children will be reassuring if they face the child and respond seriously, even if an adult hears it at first glance, "What is that?" . First of all, let's take the painful feelings of the child and listen carefully. You should not blame your child unilaterally. Adults can take care of their children's stories, so they can gain a sense of security and overcome them with their own power. However, if it is difficult, do not hold it at home and consult a school or consulting agency as soon as possible.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)

Q A child has become a perpetrator of bullying

A When you hear that your child is bullied, you may be very shocked. However, don't scold yourself, but listen carefully to your child first. Also, as much as possible, when, what, and how it happened. This is because the same event can look different from another perspective. It can be difficult depending on age and characteristics, but encourage them to think from the other person's standpoint so that they can be aware of the suffering and pain of a bullied child and think about it. In addition, let's talk with school and consultation organization without holding at home.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)

Q Children don't want to go to school

A When I hear a child saying, "I don't want to go to school," adults are very worried. It's a good start to say that children don't want to go to school because they have a sense of security. Adults think that the child has some kind of stress, and first it is important to be close to the child's feelings and listen to the story while sympathizing. If you forcibly pursue the cause or encourage them to go to school, your child may end up saying, "I don't understand my feelings."
Adults can be fine just by listening to their children slowly. However, don't hold it at home alone, but consult a school or consulting organization as soon as possible.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)

Q I'm in trouble because eating habits at home tend to be uneven.

A Meal is closely related to health and lasts a lifetime. It is important for children to have a well-balanced diet and eating habits such as hand washing. Family meal time, communication and fun conversations there also have a positive impact on children. There are various situations in each home, so make sure to devise a meal according to your home life, such as making and using cooking utensils. We introduce recipe (outside site) of menu of Yokohama City School school lunch on page of Yokohama School Food Education Foundation.

Q I am wondering if I should go to a cram school.

A: I don't necessarily have to go to a cram school. One point of judgment is when a child wants to go to the cram school with motivation, but there are various learning methods, not limited to the cram school, so look closely at the child and think about learning methods that suit the child Let's do it.

Q Words are getting violent

A Children enjoy learning new words and often use them repeatedly without understanding the meaning of those words. If you hear a word that should not be used clearly or hurts people, explain the meaning of the word, why you should not use that word, what if you say that word, what do you feel? Let's talk about it. In the upper grades of elementary school, it will be necessary to teach proper expressions according to the situation, such as correct honorifics, and words according to other circumstances. If you explain it properly, your child will understand it. You need to tell us why words that make people uncomfortable or hurt are not good.

To break things at home, to commit violence

A Adults are very shocked when a child suddenly appears to break or violently. If domestic violence occurs, consider it a sign of your child's SOS. Children may have great stress from various things, such as worries about schools and friendships, and how they should be at home, and may express their feelings through actions. Don't hold it at home, talk to someone you can trust and think together why your child commits violence. It may be difficult to talk to someone with a close relationship, or you may be worried that consulting an acquaintance may cause a greater problem. You may have courage, but there are many cases where you can improve if you consult a consulting organization with a duty of confidentiality and receive appropriate advice from an expert's point of view. Let's talk without holding it at home.

Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)
Telephone elementary school student Counseling Room
Child Consultation Center

Q I can't organize and arrange desks

A If you know where and it is easy to take out, you can prepare for the school smoothly. Being able to organize and organize is important both in school life and in adulthood.
First, let's decide where and what to put together with your child. If you put what you use together together, put it close to the place you use, and put things that you often use in places where it is easy to put out, it will be easier to use. Rather than deciding where to clear up for adults, it may be a good idea to decide where to clean up and rules for clearing while having fun with children. It would be easier for children to decide the cleaning time in the day and clean up both adults and children together. Also, when a child is able to clean up, praise it on the spot and rejoice it together will lead to the next motivation.

Q I want a smartphone

A Smartphones are very convenient, such as being able to contact children at any time, but there are many concerns that they may be involved in troubles on SNS etc., are enthusiastic about games etc. for a long time and may not be able to study time There is. First of all, adults need to understand the dangers and harms of smartphones well. And tell your child why you don't have it now, and why you set rules if you don't have it. Talk at home whether you really need it, not because your friends around you have it, and decide the rules of your home. If you want your child to use it, use filtering and discuss the rules and manners of how to use it. It's also important to decide in advance what to do if you don't follow the rules. If an adult unilaterally decides the rules at the time of the discussion, it is assumed that the child will feel imposed and will not follow the rules. Also, even if the rules you have decided, the rules will be meaningless if adults are not watching properly, adults break their promises, or children leave them ambiguous even if they break the rules.

Q I'm playing games all day long with my smartphone

A It is not very effective for adults to scold unilaterally. Depending on the age of the child, you are interested in what your child is doing on your smartphone, for example, "If it is so interesting, you will continue to do it, so let's promise to make it only one hour a day." It's good to decide. If you don't follow the rules you promised when you purchased your smartphone, let's talk to use them in the rules again. If a child decides how to do so if the child does not adhere to the rules, the rules will be destroyed if the adult does not show a consistent attitude to adhere to the efforts.
Also, if you try to find something more fun than a smartphone or game according to your child's interests, you may be able to get away from your smartphone or game. You may be playing smartphones and games because it's difficult to study and it doesn't work with teachers and friends. Let's snuggle up with your child, listen carefully, and think about how to respond to your needs.
Education Counseling (school where children attend)
School Life Safety Dial (Education General Consultation Center)
General Education Consultation (Education General Consultation Center)
24-hour child SOS dial (Education General Consultation Center)

Child and Family Support Consultation (Children and Families Support Division, each ward)
Addiction consultation (Mental Health Consultation Center)

Q I was told that I wanted to go out with each other.

A As children grow up, they want to go out with each other rather than go out with their parents. It is also an important experience for the child himself, so you may be able to go out after deciding the rules of the family, such as who to go and when to return. Talk carefully according to your child's age and where you want to go. In places where many people gather, such as events, there is a risk of getting involved in crime. Discuss what can happen dangerous things and how to act and protect yourself when you feel danger.

Q Is there a place where junior high school children can interact with other children after school or on holidays and spend time with peace of mind?

A In Yokohama City, there is a youth local activity base for young people of the middle and high school generation. There is a free space where you can interact with staff and other users after school and on holidays, so you can build relationships with various generations. We also provide experience opportunities such as volunteer activities in the community. In addition, through communication with the staff of local activity bases and local adults, it will also provide opportunities to learn about values different from home and think about social diversity. Specifically, please see Motoichi homepage "business made with local action base of youth".

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