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Last updated on April 1, 2023.

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About Yokohama-shi road construction corporation


 In order to contribute to the early completion of the road maintenance project in Yokohama City, we will maintain city planning roads in cooperation with Yokohama City and promote other road-related businesses to improve citizens' lives and industry and economy of Yokohama City. Was established in November 1987 with the aim of contributing to the development of
 We have been maintaining roads that serve as the framework of Yokohama City, such as the Urban Planning Road Ring Route 2 and Ring Route 4, but since these roads were almost completed, the construction work was completed at the end of 2004, and in 2022 The delivery of road assets was completed and dissolved.
 In addition, about unfinished section among section that road construction corporation maintained, Yokohama-shi takes over business and pushes forward maintenance for early completion.

Role played by the Yokohama City Road Construction Corporation

 As a result of promoting road maintenance by both Yokohama City and the Road Construction Corporation, it became possible to plan early service of the road. For example, the operation of Loop Route 2 has been 10 years earlier than the maintenance of Yokohama City alone.
Project Implementation Location Map (PDF: 530KB)

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