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Environmentally Friendly Action

Last updated on November 5, 2024.

I go shopping with an eco bag. Change the lighting of the room to LEDs.
In addition, there are many eco-friendly things in daily life.
First of all, I'm not sure.
I think a little about the environment and act.
Try to make a little more environmentally friendly.
Each and every small initiative will surely help connect an irreplaceable environment to the future.

To touch and grow green

Photographs of lush landscape

Touch the greenery and grow it yourself.
Each person's small green-up efforts will lead to passing on the lush green Yokohama to the next generation.

Enjoy a nearby park

Photographs of familiarity with flowers

By getting close to the park, you can realize the importance of the plants and creatures there.
Feeling that is the first step in thinking about the environment.

Buying locally grown vegetables and fruits

Photographs of direct sales outlet

Buying locally grown vegetables and fruits reduces the transportation distance of trucks and other vehicles from rice fields and fields to the dining table, and reduces CO2.

Practicing eco-driving

Photo of a tree-lined road in the blue sky

A little care, such as avoiding sudden acceleration or wasteful idling, can help prevent global warming and protect clean air.

Do not allow oil to flow into the drain

Photographs of rivers

The oil cools and hardens, pinching the sewer, or flowing out into rivers and the sea due to heavy rain, polluting the water environment.

Going to the zoo

Photographs of a child staring at kangaroo

The first step in protecting the environment is to meet real animals and be aware of living together on the earth.

Choose products with ecolabel

The scenery of Minato Mirai

Eco Label is a mark indicating that conservation has been considered for a sustainable natural environment in the process of procurement, production processing and distribution.
Choosing products with ecolabels in daily shopping will help protect the environment.

To value the blessings of nature

Photos of dragonflies and rice fields

Human life is supported by various blessings of nature.
Recognizing the blessings of each person and practicing environmentally friendly actions leads to the protection of the lost biodiversity.

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