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Environmental Activities
Last updated on October 29, 2024.
Citizens, schools, social movement groups, businesses, and governments cooperate and cooperate to promote the development of people who think for themselves and practice environmental actions specifically for the realization of a sustainable society. We are promoting the development of environmental activity bases as a place to practice environmental activities through "action and collaboration".
Makita Park Environmental Activity Base (nickname: Maita Eco Salon)
1-1, Sukucho, Minami-ku (in Makita Park)
Maita Eco Salon is a place to interact with member groups and various local organizations.
The Makita Park Environmental Activity Base is used as a place where environmental activity groups and the government collaborate and widely disseminate environmental education to the community. This base organizes and manages the “Maita Eco Salon Association” by environmental activity groups and manages it.
At the Maita Eco Salon Association, members' groups aim to provide opportunities to promote environmental actions that open the present and future of the Yokohama environment from the community, disseminate information, and promote exchange and cooperation. We will interact with each other and various local organizations to develop environmental activities.
Makita Park Environmental Activity Base is an "environmental activity place" operated by a new method based on an agreement between Yokohama City and environmental activity groups, regardless of the designated manager or the steering committee system.
Organizations from various environmental fields gathering at the Eco Salon Association will cooperate and disseminate environmental actions to the community.
Inquiries to this page
Green Environment Bureau Park Green Area Environmental Activities Division
Phone: 045-671-2484
Phone: 045-671-2484
Fax: 045-550-4554
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 507-807-236