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- Infant traffic safety education video
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Infant traffic safety education video
Last updated on March 24, 2025.
What do you think of it?
The rules of the Yokohama City Traffic Safety Character are protected but it has become an anime!
Let's check how to walk on the road so that you can safely go to and from elementary school.
How to walk on the road
In this video, you can learn about the "right way to walk" of roads with roads and sidewalks, roads with roadside belts, and roads without roadside zones.
How to walk the road (outside site)
Road promise
In this video, you can learn about "signal promises" and "how to cross pedestrian crossings".
A secret letter from Majolina
In this video, you can learn about "how to walk on the road and promises" and "traffic signs".
Secret Letters from Majolina (external site)
The picture story show Theatre
In this video, you can learn about "popping out" and more.
picture story show Theater (outside site)
Let's wear a helmet! -A promise when riding a bicycle~
In this video, you can learn the importance of wearing a helmet when using a bicycle through experiments using tofu.
Let's wear a helmet! (External site)
What do you do in the event of a traffic accident?
In this video, you can learn about the correct response in the unlikely event that a child has a traffic accident in a quiz format.
What do you do in the event of a traffic accident? (External site)
To all parents carrying children on bicycles
In this video, we will briefly tell you the points you absolutely need to keep when you put your child on a bicycle.
Let's reconfirm the rules and manners of bicycles to protect important children.
Inquiries to this page
Road and Highway Bureau General Affairs Department Road Safety and Bicycle Policy Division
Phone: 045-671-2323
Phone: 045-671-2323
Fax: 045-663-6868
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 845-037-665