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Business income and expenditure (financial plan)

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

The funds required for the land readjustment project will be covered by funds sold the reserved land. In the funding plan, "expenditure" = "income".

Business income and expenditure (financial plan)

Income Contents
Disposal of reserved land Proceeds from the sale of reserved land
Subsidies, etc. Subsidies from the national or local governments

Expenditures Contents
Research and design costs Rights survey costs, surveying costs, business plan preparation costs, resettlement plan creation costs, registration procedures, etc.
Construction costs

Public facilities maintenance costs, residential land development costs, and other costs required for incidental construction

Compensation expenses Property transfer compensation expenses, interruption transfer compensation expenses, etc.
Administrative expenses, etc. In addition to administrative expenses, interest on loans, etc.

Support system for Yokohama City

In Yokohama-shi, we assist a part of expense as necessary for enforcer of land readjustment project based on land readjustment law (Law No. 119 of 1954) based on subsidy summary of country .
The subsidies are handled based on the following outlines.

Yokohama-shi land readjustment project subsidy grant summary (PDF: 555KB)

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