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burnable garbage

Last updated on October 1, 2024.

burnable garbage (for those living in Asahi Ward, Isogo Ward, Izumi Ward, Kanazawa Ward, Konan Ward, Sakae Ward, Seya Ward, Totsuka Ward, Naka Ward)

burnable garbage

How to put out burnable garbage

Collected twice a week
(Please check with the seal at the collection site.)

1 Put them together in a transparent or translucent bag where the contents can be clearly confirmed.
*Please bundle a small amount of tree branches, boards, etc.
2 If there is a lot of metal parts, please put them in "small metals".
3 Rechargeable batteries, such as mobile batteries, cordless vacuum cleaners and electric bicycle batteries, should never be sent to burnable garbage, but should be placed in yellow collection cans (small rechargeable battery recycling boxes) installed at home centers and other facilities.

About small home appliances

1 Since October 2013, Yokohama City has been collecting and recycling used small household appliances such as mobile phones, digital cameras, dryers, and irons as a new recycling method.
2. Exclusive small household appliances collection boxes have been installed at 60 locations in the city, including the City Hall, the General Government Building of each ward, the Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Collection Office, the Incineration Plant, and facilities for residents of the city. For details, please refer to the following URL.

Small household appliances Eomio

Please cooperate with the collection and recycling of small household appliances.
Collection and recycling of small household appliances

3 If it is difficult to collect the collection box, you can put it out as "burnable garbage". For small rechargeable home appliances where the battery cannot be removed, please use a separate bag from other burnable garbage on the day of burnable garbage to prevent fires in collection vehicles.

burnable garbage
Main objects
Kitchen garbage
Drain the water well before putting it out.
Kitchen garbage

A small amount of tree branches, boards, etc.
Cut it to less than 50 centimeters and bundle it.
A small amount of tree branches and boards

Tempura oil, etc.
Soak or harden it in cloth or paper.
Tempura oil

Disposable diapers
Rinse the waste into the toilet and roll it small to prevent it from becoming unsanitary.
Disposable diapers

Including metal
Plastic products
(The longest side is less than 50cm)

burnable garbage (for those living in Aoba Ward, Kanagawa Ward, Kohoku Ward, Tsurumi Ward, Tsuzuki Ward  , Nishi Ward, Hodogaya Ward, Minami Ward, Midori Ward)

burnable garbage

How to put out burnable garbage

Collected twice a week
(Please check with the seal at the collection site.)

1 Put them together in a transparent or translucent bag where the contents can be clearly confirmed.
*Please bundle a small amount of tree branches, boards, etc.
2 If there is a lot of metal parts, please put them in "small metals".
3 Rechargeable batteries, such as mobile batteries, cordless vacuum cleaners and electric bicycle batteries, should never be sent to burnable garbage, but should be placed in yellow collection cans (small rechargeable battery recycling boxes) installed at home centers and other facilities.

About small home appliances

1 Since October 2013, Yokohama City has been collecting and recycling used small household appliances such as mobile phones, digital cameras, dryers, and irons as a new recycling method.
2. Exclusive small household appliances collection boxes have been installed at 60 locations in the city, including the City Hall, the General Government Building of each ward, the Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Collection Office, the Incineration Plant, and facilities for residents of the city. For details, please refer to the following URL.

Small household appliances Eomio

Please cooperate with the collection and recycling of small household appliances.
Collection and recycling of small household appliances

3 If it is difficult to collect the collection box, you can put it out as "burnable garbage". For small rechargeable home appliances where the battery cannot be removed, please use a separate bag from other burnable garbage on the day of burnable garbage to prevent fires in collection vehicles.

burnable garbage
Main objects
Kitchen garbage
Drain the water well before putting it out.
Kitchen garbage

Toys, videotapes, etc.
Plastic products
Toy, videotape

A small amount of tree branches, boards, etc.
Cut it to less than 50 centimeters and bundle it.
A small amount of tree branches and boards

Tempura oil, etc.
Soak or harden it in cloth or paper.
Tempura oil

Disposable diapers
Rinse the waste into the toilet and roll it small to prevent it from becoming unsanitary.
Disposable diapers

Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Household Waste Management Department Business Division

Phone: 045-671-3819

Phone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 628-791-667


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