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Small metals

Last updated on October 1, 2024.

Small metals

How to put out "small metals"

Collected once a week (same as the collection date of "cans, bottles, PET bottles")
(Please check with the seal at the collection site.)

Major objects, etc.
Main objectsIt is mainly made of metal, with the longest side of less than 30 cm, and a metal umbrella bone

PotScissorsTriangular corner

How to put it out
  • Please take out separately from "cans, bottles, plastic bottles" bags.
  • Please put it out without putting it in a bag except for the fine ones.
  • Pots and frying pans should be taken out as small metals if they are less than 30 cm without including the handle.
  • Separate the umbrella with the metal frame and the cloth. (Please send the cloth to "burnable garbage.")
  • Even if the umbrella bone is 30 cm or more, take it out as a small metal.
  • As there is a risk of fire, use up the contents of oil cans and paint cans before taking them out (please put out plastic caps in "plastic containers and packaging" and "plastic resources").
  • Items that are dangerous when collecting blades, such as knives, or items that may be finely scattered, such as nails and needles, should be wrapped in paper and written out. When putting it in a bag, put it in a transparent or translucent bag where the contents can be clearly confirmed.
It does not include the handle of the panThe bone of an umbrellaUmbrella clothEmpty cans of paintWrap the blade in paper
Not applicable
  1. home appliances, which is mainly made of plastic such as dryers, telephones and radio cassette recorders.
    If the longest side is less than 50 centimeters, please put it in burnable garbage and the larger one in oversized garbage.
  2. Metal products with the longest side of 30 centimeters or more, such as golf clubs and skistocks.
    Please put it out as "oversized garbage."
  3. Disposable lighter
    Please use up the contents and put it out as "burnable garbage".
  4. High-pressure gas cylinders
    It is not collected in Yokohama. Please consult with the supplier or dealer.

Please cooperate with the recycling of small household appliances.

Products that run on electricity and batteries can also be taken out in small household appliances collection boxes installed at ward offices. Please refer to the link below for details on the installation location and target products.

Image of Recycling Small Home Appliances

Please cooperate with the collection and recycling of small household appliances

In order to make effective use of resources, Yokohama City has installed collection boxes at ward offices and collects small household appliances such as mobile phones and digital cameras. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Related information

Recycling of small metals

Inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Household Waste Management Department Business Division

Phone: 045-671-3819

Phone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 639-807-433


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