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My Bottle Spot
Last updated on March 13, 2024.
What is My Bottle Spot?
On average, about 190 bottles per person per year. ※A plastic bottle that is also used. Would you like to reduce disposables such as plastic bottles by having my bottle? ※Calculated from materials for PET Bottle Recycling Promotion Council
At My Bottle Spot, freshly made coffee and tea are sold in My Bottles brought in, and water is provided free of charge.
If you get a good drink in the empty My Bottle as if you buy a drink in the city, it will be more fun to use My Bottle.
In Yokohama, such spots are increasing.
When you go out, be sure to put my bottle on your bag.
※The logo design was created by students at Iwasaki Gakuen Digital Arts College in 2022.
For more information, please refer to My Bottle Spot Search (external site).
"Yokohama My Bottle Spot" Project Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 160KB)
To register at My Bottle Spot
In Yokohama City, while proposing lifestyles to reduce garbage, we are promoting the “My Bottle Spot” business with the aim of creating a town that makes it easier to use My Bottles. By increasing the number of "My Bottle Spots" and conducting PR, we will make My Bottle more convenient and reduce garbage.
Therefore, in support of the purpose of "My Bottle Spot", we will recruit stores and facilities that sell drinks to My Bottles brought by users and provide water and tea free of charge. . We look forward to your participation.
For details, please refer to the registration of My Bottle Spot (outside site).
Collaboration with Iwasaki Gakuen Yokohama Digital Arts College
In order to reduce disposable plastics, Yokohama City is working with Iwasaki Gakuen Yokohama Digital Arts College to promote the use of My Bottles and raise awareness of My Bottle Spots.
Introduction of activities in FY2023
In fiscal 2023, we used SNS to disseminate information on My Bottle Spots and create videos to raise awareness of My Bottle Spots, screened advertisements at movie theaters, and conducted simulated experiences of My Bottle Spots for visitors at the Yokohama Digital Arts College's school festival.
■Public relations enlightenment using SNS
X (formerly Twitter) account
[Click here for X of Yokohama My Bottle Project] (External site)
※This initiative ended in March 2024.
Instagram account
[Click here for Instagram of Yokohama My Bottle Project] (External site)
※This initiative ended in March 2024.
■PR tool
My Bottle Spot Awareness Video
[Click here for a video to raise awareness of bottles] (External site)
■Experience simulating my bottle spot at the school festival
Introduction of activities for FY2022
In fiscal 2022, in addition to disseminating information on the use of My Bottles on SNS to younger generations, creating leaflets and My Bottle Spot Stickers, we also held events and other events.
■Dissemination using Twitter
Yokohama My Bottle QR Code
■PR tool
[Download leaflet] (PDF:4,104KB)
My Bottle Spot Sticker
■Event exhibition
Muji Colette Mare Minato Mirai
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Inquiries to this page
Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Policy Coordination Department 3R Promotion Section
Phone: 045-671-3593
Phone: 045-671-3593
Fax: 045-550-3510
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 133-392-096