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  6. Isn't it mixed with burnable garbage? Recycle dirty plastic containers too!

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Isn't it mixed with burnable garbage? Recycle dirty plastic containers too!

Last updated on August 15, 2023.

burnable garbage is a mixture of dirty plastic containers and packaging, such as tubes and trays containing seasonings and foods.
These can be recycled as recyclables, so please cooperate in sorting.

Separation of plastic containers and packaging, 4 OK!

Do you think, "It's hard because plastic containers and packaging have to be washed and put out"?

Actually, that's not the case!

Here are 4 OKs.

If you can't wash the contents, you can use it up!

If you can't wash the contents, you can use it up!

Stains on the container can be lightly rinsed or wiped off the dirt!

Stains on the container can be lightly rinsed or wiped off the dirt!

You just need to remove the contents of the bag for sweets!

You just need to remove the contents of the bag for sweets!

Seals and labels such as price tags are OK even if they cannot be removed!

Seals and labels such as price tags are OK even if they cannot be removed!

Why do you separate it in the first place?

In order to recycle and use limited resources carefully.

The collected plastic containers and packaging are removed by intermediate treatment and then handed over to recycling corporations and recycling companies.

Separately collected plastic containers and packaging are recycled material or chemically.
Recycling of plastic containers and packaging

Some plastic containers and packaging are cleaned, heated, and crushed pellets are recycled into plastic products like election signs. In this way, the use of waste plastic as a raw material for plastic products is called "material recycling."

The remaining plastic containers and packaging are chemically decomposed and recycled into ammonia, a raw material for chemicals such as anti-itching, for example. Chemical recycling refers to chemically decomposing waste plastics and using them as raw materials for chemical products.

In this way, plastic containers and packaging that have been separated are effectively recycled as recyclables.

To help prevent global warming

A reduction in plastic containers and packaging mixed with burnable garbage will help prevent global warming.
From separation of plastic containers and packaging to prevention of global warming

Burning petroleum-derived waste, such as plastic containers and packaging, generates a lot of greenhouse gases (CO2), but reducing the amount of plastic containers and packaging mixed in burnable garbage will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted.
It is said that global warming is caused by abnormal summer heat, torrential rainfalls and drought, but separating plastic containers and packaging also helps prevent global warming.


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Phone: 045-671-3593

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