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Yokohama Ribin: FAQs

Last updated on July 8, 2020.

1.What's the rent?

Like ordinary rental housing, it depends on location and size. The average rent is around 120,000 yen. Based on this rent, the rent subsidy is determined by the number of years since the start of management of the property and the income of the resident.

2.Can I make a corporate contract?

You can enter into a joint contract of the applicant, the employed corporation, and the business (landlord). In that case, there is no rent subsidy.
※It is necessary to obtain the consent of the business operator (landlord) in advance.

3.Can I move in by moving in from outside Yokohama?

Transferees from outside the city can also apply.

4.My household monthly income exceeds 601,001 yen, can I move in?

You can move in with a 5-year fixed-term rental contract. After 5 years, we will recruit residents again, and if there are no applicants, we can sign a contract again.

5.Do I need to move out if my income increases significantly after moving in?

Every year, we conduct income surveys to understand the income of the previous year. A significant increase in income will eliminate rent subsidies, but you do not need to leave.

6.I'm engaged, can I apply for it?

If you apply for a fiancee, you can apply until you move in (or within 6 months after moving in) if you can submit a public certificate of marriage.

7.Divorce has not been established, can I apply?

If you apply separately for a couple who has not been divorced at the time of application (spouse in family register), you must be one of the following:

(1)Those who have divorce before moving in (if divorce is not established, you will not be able to move in).
(2)Those who can confirm their separation in resident certificate for at least one year at the time of application and who can confirm their intention to divorce (Please submit documents confirming their intention to divorce at the time of qualification screening).

8.Is it possible to attract parents who live far away and live together?

You can move in if you meet the eligibility requirements.

9.I have my own house, can I move in?

In the following cases, you may be able to move in even if you have a home.
Please contact the application window.

・If you currently live in a remarkably aging house and demolish it after moving in Yokohama Ribuin

・If you do not own a house under your name due to a seizure or a request for eviction due to justifiable reasons.

・When commuting time on the shortest commonly available route from your own home to your work location takes more than 2 hours.

・If you are renting apartments, etc. as a business

Inquiries to this page

Housing Policy Division, Building Bureau Housing Department

Phone: 045-671-4121

Phone: 045-671-4121

Fax: 045-641-2756

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 865-643-120


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